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Configure a SPA112 for a Fax with SnomOne 5.2


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I can't register a spa112 with my snomone pbx
I don't know what is the problem.
Here a log from the server:


Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-cedabad4
From: "556" <sip:556@>;tag=50af8cc356fe346o0
To: "556" <sip:556@>
Call-ID: 441e8cfa-daaa8395@
Max-Forwards: 70
Contact: "556" <sip:556@>;expires=3600
User-Agent: Cisco/SPA112-1.3.3(015)
P-Station-Name: ;mac=34dbfd5c1389; display=""; sn=CCQ174101ZI
SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-cedabad4
From: "556" <sip:556@>;tag=50af8cc356fe346o0
To: "556" <sip:556@>;tag=0a6a3267ec
Call-ID: 441e8cfa-daaa8395@


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Guest timaca

thank you for your reponses. I actually finished after many tests by putting the domain name in the "proxy" field and in the "outbound proxy". The SPA112 is now registered. I now have other worries, line 1 on which a fax is plugged in, works once three, either in transmission or reception. there is an interrupt after a few tens of seconds. On line 2 I have equipment to free mail. when making a call, it cuts after exactly one minute.

My trunk provider doesn't support T38. Here the traces of spa112: (incoming fax)

SIP_regTsEventProc(event: 32)
SIP_tsClientEventProc(event: 3) 
SIP_tsClientEventProc(event: 9) 
SIP_tsClientEventProc(event: 9) 
SIP_tsCreateClient(), 1779, uiTmrF=1600, SIP_TMR_F_INIT=1600
SIP_tsClientEventProc(event: 28) 
SIP_regTsEventProc(event: 28)
SIP_regTsEventProc(event: 32)
CC_eventProc(), event: CC_EV_SIG_CALL_ARRIVED(0x31), lid: 0, par: 0, par2: 0x407b8900
AUD_ccEventProc: event 49 vid 0 par 0x0 par2 0x407b8900
getCodecList line 0x22aae8 call 0x22aaec clRemote: 0x407b8990 bInbound 1
pconly: 128
====== Remote Codec num 3 ======
====== Local codec num 1 ======
[AUD]Get UCH node for AUD_LINE 0 0.
uchAllocateNode(), Node 0 allocated ret=0
[AUD]UCH node 0 allocated to AUD_LINE 0.
uchConnectEpToNode(), connecting EP FXS 1 to node 0
uchEnableNode(), Node 0 enbaled ret=0
CC_eventProc(), inf.strName = 
CC_eventProc(), inf.strPhone = 0954854540
callEventProcTable[0] is cepIdleProc
cepIdleProc(lid=0, call=0x22aaec, event=18(CC_EV_USR_ACCEPTCALL), par=0, par2=0x407b8900)
cepIdleProc(), lid=0
cepIdleProc(), line->sigProc(CC_CMD_ACCEPT)
cepIdleProc(), call->cinf.bAutoAnswer = 0
NEW_CALL_STATE(), call 0: old state = CC_CST_IDLE, new state CC_CST_RINGING
CID_initGen 8
[0]CID:CID_initGen() >>> offhook 0 delay 2200 phone 0954854540 name 
SLIC_startRing state 0 ts 0x25a644on 2000 off 4000 len 60000
[0]Ring cad event 0 pol 0
RTP_nextMediaPort(), port = 16414
RTP_nextMediaPort(), rc=16412
AUD_allocCallObj() call(0x25ce38)
[0:0]AUD ALLOC CALL (port=16412)
+++++ SIP_lineCcCmdProc CC_CMD_ACCEPT AUD_startRtpRx
[AUD]AUD_startRtpRx(0x25ce38) lid 0
Local loopback mode: None. Type: None.
Remote loopback mode: None. Type None.
RTP channel setup: udp_no_checksum 0, sysmmetric_rtp 0, tos 0xb8, cos 6, mlb 0.
uchConnectEpToNode(), connecting EP VoIP 0 to node 0
uchEnableEchoCan(), lid 0 EP 2 disable
uchEnableModemCall() Modem call state(1) not change
UCH sync parameter hold off time is 70
uchSetGTD(), Disable GTD for FXS 1 
uchSetGTD() GTD state not change
uchSetDTMFMute(), ENABLE
cordless_start_rtp(), chan:0 remote ip:(null) port:0 local:16412 rx:1 ipt:0 ptime:30 bInMdmPasstru:0
Starting Rx only RTP.
Socket 14 bound to port 16412.
Remote IP/port:
Codec list from SDP (internal pt): 0 134 136
Rx payload list:  PCMU/8000(0) NSE/8000(100) encaprtp/8000(112)
VAD = 0
RTP configuration:
  audio_mode RTP_MODE_REC_ONLY, media_loop_level RTP_LOOP_LEVEL_NONE, dtmf2833numEndPakcets 3, opts 0x0
  Codec: duration 30, rx_pt_event 101, tx_pt_event 101, tx_pt 0 
         rx[0] 0 PCMU/8000, rx[1] 100 NSE/8000, rx[2] 112 encaprtp/8000
         rx[3] -1 , rx[4] -1 , rx[5] -1 
  Jib: max 180ms, min 60ms, adapt 1
RTP Channel 0 is virgin: 1.
#### rtp seq number is 4975 
Set QoS succeed
RTP session 0 started
SIP_tsClientEventProc(event: 3) 
SIP_tsCreateClient(), 1779, uiTmrF=1600, SIP_TMR_F_INIT=1600
SIP_tsClientEventProc(event: 28) 
SIP_regTsEventProc(event: 28)
SIP_regTsEventProc(event: 32)
SIP_tsClientEventProc(event: 3) 
[0]Ring cad event 1 pol 0
CID:OnHookTx Pol
uchDisplayCIDFSK(), EP 2 lid 0 buflen 97 overhead 60 SZ_MAX_USERDATA 200 offhook 0
uchDisplayCIDFSK(), FSK Caller ID standard is 0(bell 202)
uchDisplayCIDFSK(), SeizeFreq 0x16 MarkFreq 0xc
[0]Off Hook
CC_eventProc(), event: CC_EV_USR_OFFHOOK(0x2), lid: 0, par: 0, par2: (nil)
AUD_ccEventProc: event 2 vid 0 par 0x0 par2 0x0
sysstatus_set_led_status_payton(), led_id: 1, statusCode:7, systemEvent: 0x100095
callEventProcTable[5] is cepRingingProc
cepRingingProc(lid=0, call=0x22aaec, event=11(CC_EV_USR_ANSWER), par=0, par2=(nil))
NEW_CALL_STATE(), call 0: old state = CC_CST_RINGING, new state CC_CST_ANSWERING
[0]Ring cad event 2 pol 0
uchStopCTI(), Stop CTI lid 0 EP 2,ret=0
[0]CID interrupted
uchAppCb(), Event 49 received EP 2 lid 0
uchStopVoipTone(), Stop Voip Tone EP 3
SIP_sessDlgEventProc: event: 43(SIP_EV_DLG_CONNECTED), ucState: 0
CC_eventProc(), event: CC_EV_SIG_CALL_CONNECTED(0x2C), lid: 0, par: 10, par2: (nil)
AUD_ccEventProc: event 44 vid 0 par 0xa par2 0x0
callEventProcTable[7] is cepAnsweringProc
cepAnsweringProc(lid=0, call=0x22aaec, event=44(CC_EV_SIG_CALL_CONNECTED), par=10, par2=(nil))
NEW_CALL_STATE(), call 0: old state = CC_CST_ANSWERING, new state CC_CST_CONNECTED
bSendRtpTxToProxy: ip:
[AUD]AUD_startRtpTx(0x25ce38, 0,, 61012, 30)
Local loopback mode: None. Type: None.
Remote loopback mode: None. Type None.
Already has a RTP channel.
Already has a RTP channel.
cordless_start_rtp(), chan:0 remote ip: port:61012 local:16412 rx:0 ipt:0 ptime:30 bInMdmPasstru:0
Going from Rx only to bi-directional.
Old remote IP/port:
Remote IP/port:
Codec list from SDP (internal pt): 0 134 136
Rx payload list:  PCMU/8000(0) NSE/8000(100) encaprtp/8000(112)
VAD = 0
RTP configuration:
  audio_mode RTP_MODE_ACTIVE, media_loop_level RTP_LOOP_LEVEL_NONE, dtmf2833numEndPakcets 3, opts 0x0
  Codec: duration 30, rx_pt_event 101, tx_pt_event 101, tx_pt 0 
         rx[0] 0 PCMU/8000, rx[1] 100 NSE/8000, rx[2] 112 encaprtp/8000
         rx[3] -1 , rx[4] -1 , rx[5] -1 
  Jib: max 180ms, min 60ms, adapt 1
RTP Channel 0 is virgin: 0.
Just need updating.
RTP session 0 updated
cordless_start_rtcp(), chan:0 remote ip: port:61013 intvl:0
Socket 19 bound to RTCP port 16413.
CNAME 556@
NAME "SPA112-Fax-Gavotte"
TOOL Cisco/SPA112-1.3.3(015)
Starting RTCP session on channel 0. Interval 0. Rx only.
RTCP session started on RTP channel 0.
SIP_tsClientEventProc(event: 9) 
SIP_tsClientEventProc(event: 9) 
uchAppCb(), Event 46 received EP 2 lid 0
fax event detected tone type: 8 at line 0 1
fax event enable CED 1024, CNG 64 complete dialog 1
lid: 0 ep: 2 
uchAppCb(), Event 46 received EP 2 lid 0
fax event detected tone type: 8 at line 0 1
fax event enable CED 1024, CNG 64 complete dialog 1
lid: 0 ep: 2 
ANS Tone Phase Rev detected
Going into fax passthrough mode
uchEnableEchoCan(), lid 0 EP 2 disable
uchEnableModemCall() Modem call state(1) not change
VAD = 0
RTP configuration:
  audio_mode RTP_MODE_ACTIVE, media_loop_level RTP_LOOP_LEVEL_NONE, dtmf2833numEndPakcets 3, opts 0x0
  Codec: duration 30, rx_pt_event 101, tx_pt_event 101, tx_pt 0 
         rx[0] 0 PCMU/8000, rx[1] 100 NSE/8000, rx[2] 112 encaprtp/8000
         rx[3] -1 , rx[4] -1 , rx[5] -1 
  Jib: max 1000ms, min 60ms, adapt 0
cordless_enableFaxPassthroughWithCodec *** rtp_sessions_update() ok: 0
cordless_enableFaxPassthroughWithCodec *** rtp_sessions_update() ok: 0
SIP_tsCreateClient(), 1779, uiTmrF=1600, SIP_TMR_F_INIT=1600
SIP_tsClientEventProc(event: 28) 
SIP_regTsEventProc(event: 28)
SIP_regTsEventProc(event: 32)
SIP_tsClientEventProc(event: 3) 
SIP_tsCreateClient(), 1779, uiTmrF=1600, SIP_TMR_F_INIT=1600
SIP_tsClientEventProc(event: 28) 
SIP_regTsEventProc(event: 28)
SIP_regTsEventProc(event: 32)
SIP_tsClientEventProc(event: 3) 
SIP_tsClientEventProc(event: 9) 
SIP_tsClientEventProc(event: 9) 
httpd_handle_request(), request method = 1
httpd_handle_request(), request path = /admin/voice/
httpd_handle_request(), pswlReq->ubType = 0
Requesting call statistics...
RTP TX stats updated for channel 0
RTP RX stats updated for channel 0
Call statistics updated.
SIP_tsCreateClient(), 1779, uiTmrF=1600, SIP_TMR_F_INIT=1600
SIP_tsClientEventProc(event: 28) 
SIP_regTsEventProc(event: 28)
SIP_regTsEventProc(event: 32)
SIP_tsClientEventProc(event: 3) 
SIP_tsCreateClient(), 1779, uiTmrF=1600, SIP_TMR_F_INIT=1600
SIP_tsClientEventProc(event: 28) 
SIP_regTsEventProc(event: 28)
SIP_regTsEventProc(event: 32)
SIP_tsClientEventProc(event: 3) 
SIP_tsClientEventProc(event: 9) 
SIP_tsClientEventProc(event: 9) 
Requesting call statistics...
RTP TX stats updated for channel 0
RTP RX stats updated for channel 0
Call statistics updated.
SIP_sessDlgEventProc: event: 45(SIP_EV_DLG_BYED), ucState: 3
CC_eventProc(), event: CC_EV_SIG_CALL_ENDED(0x34), lid: 0, par: 10, par2: (nil)
AUD_ccEventProc: event 52 vid 0 par 0xa par2 0x0
callEventProcTable[8] is cepConnectedProc
cepConnectedProc(lid=0, call=0x22aaec, event=52(CC_EV_SIG_CALL_ENDED), par=10, par2=(nil))
NEW_CALL_STATE(), call 0: old state = CC_CST_CONNECTED, new state CC_CST_INVALID
SIP_releaseAudioResources() entered ################!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Requesting call statistics...
RTP TX stats updated for channel 0
RTP RX stats updated for channel 0
Call statistics updated.
AUD_releaseCallObj() call(0x25ce38)
cordless_stop_rtp_tx(), Channel 0.
RTP channel 0 going from Bi-dir to Rx.
RTP configuration:
  audio_mode RTP_MODE_REC_ONLY, media_loop_level RTP_LOOP_LEVEL_NONE, dtmf2833numEndPakcets 3, opts 0x0
  Codec: duration 30, rx_pt_event 101, tx_pt_event 101, tx_pt 0 
         rx[0] 0 PCMU/8000, rx[1] 100 NSE/8000, rx[2] 112 encaprtp/8000
         rx[3] -1 , rx[4] -1 , rx[5] -1 
  Jib: max 1000ms, min 60ms, adapt 0
RTP channel 0 is now Rx.
[AUD]RTP Tx Down
cordless_stop_rtp_rx(), Channel 0.
RTP channel 0 going from Rx to Idle.
RTP configuration:
  audio_mode RTP_MODE_INACTIVE, media_loop_level RTP_LOOP_LEVEL_NONE, dtmf2833numEndPakcets 3, opts 0x0
  Codec: duration 30, rx_pt_event 101, tx_pt_event 101, tx_pt 0 
         rx[0] 0 PCMU/8000, rx[1] 100 NSE/8000, rx[2] 112 encaprtp/8000
         rx[3] -1 , rx[4] -1 , rx[5] -1 
  Jib: max 1000ms, min 60ms, adapt 0
RTP channel 0 is now Idle.
cordless_stop_rtp(), releasing RTP channel:0
cordless_stop_rtp(), RTP session 0 stopped succussfully
uchRelChanAndEP(0, 3) 
uchDisconnectEpFromNode(), disconnecting EP VoIP 0 from node 0
[AUD]RTP channel released
[0:0]AUD Rel Call
SIP_releaseAudioResources(), CC_lineIsIdle(0)=0, gAudLine[0].bIvr=0, AUD_relUchNode????????????
SIP_releaseAudioResources() exit   ################!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
##### RTP_SEQ_NUM_EVT 6268
callEventProcTable[6] is cepInvalidProc
cepInvalidProc(lid=0, call=0x22aaec, event=31(CC_EV_TMR_INVALID), par=0, par2=(nil))
callEventProcTable[6] is cepInvalidProc
cepInvalidProc(lid=0, call=0x22aaec, event=39(CC_EV_TMR_CPC), par=0, par2=(nil))
CPC go to CC_CST_IDLE line 0
NEW_CALL_STATE(), call 0: old state = CC_CST_INVALID, new state CC_CST_IDLE
[AUD]Release UCH node for AUD_LINE 0.
uchDisableNode(), Node 0 released ret=0
[AUD]UCH node 0 freed.
callEventProcTable[0] is cepIdleProc
cepIdleProc(lid=0, call=0x22aaec, event=9(CC_EV_USR_SEIZURE), par=0, par2=(nil))
cepIdleProc(), lid=0
cepIdleProc(), pname=renaissance
cepIdleProc(), SYS_NOREG_CALL(0)=0, SIP_REGISTER_OK(0)=1
[AUD]Get UCH node for AUD_LINE 0 0.
uchAllocateNode(), Node 0 allocated ret=0
[AUD]UCH node 0 allocated to AUD_LINE 0.
uchConnectEpToNode(), connecting EP FXS 1 to node 0
uchEnableNode(), Node 0 enbaled ret=0
NEW_CALL_STATE(), call 0: old state = CC_CST_IDLE, new state CC_CST_DIALING
SLIC_startTone 1
[0]On Hook 
CC_eventProc(), event: CC_EV_USR_ONHOOK(0x1), lid: 0, par: 0, par2: (nil)
AUD_ccEventProc: event 1 vid 0 par 0x0 par2 0x0
sysstatus_set_led_status_payton(), led_id: 1, statusCode:1, systemEvent: 0x100093
callEventProcTable[1] is cepDialingProc
cepDialingProc(lid=0, call=0x22aaec, event=1(CC_EV_USR_ONHOOK), par=0, par2=(nil))
cepDialingProc(), event = 1(CC_EV_USR_ONHOOK)
callEventProcTable[0] is cepIdleProc
cepIdleProc(lid=0, call=0x22ad0c, event=1(CC_EV_USR_ONHOOK), par=0, par2=(nil))
cepIdleProc(), lid=0
[IVR_eventProc] evt 1 lid 0
callEventProcTable[1] is cepDialingProc
cepDialingProc(lid=0, call=0x22aaec, event=10(CC_EV_USR_ENDCALL), par=0, par2=(nil))
cepDialingProc(), event = 10(CC_EV_USR_ENDCALL)
NEW_CALL_STATE(), call 0: old state = CC_CST_DIALING, new state CC_CST_IDLE
Set QoS succeed
[AUD]Release UCH node for AUD_LINE 0.
uchDisableNode(), Node 0 released ret=0
[AUD]UCH node 0 freed.
++++ retry query scaps
++++ retry query scaps
+++ need tftp addr..
+++ need tftp addr..
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My trunk provider doesn't support T38. Here the traces of spa112: (incoming fax)


Well honestly, then change the trunk provider. If you need to receive FAX, T.38 is a must-have. If you don't have it we all will go through a long, frustrating experience of FAX not going through randomly or not at all. We also have a SPA112 here, will add it to the provisioning process to make life easier for the next customers who set this device up.

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Well honestly, then change the trunk provider. If you need to receive FAX, T.38 is a must-have. If you don't have it we all will go through a long, frustrating experience of FAX not going through randomly or not at all. We also have a SPA112 here, will add it to the provisioning process to make life easier for the next customers who set this device up.

I just made a request (again) to my service provider for the protocol "T38". In attentadnt, is there any solutions for reliable operation with g711?
Traces I provided does not indicate a configuration problem ?
thank you
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If you try G.711, make sure that you turn echo cancellation off on the SPA. Otherwise the echo canceler will kill the FAX signal.


Fax was not designed for packet networks. It can deal with distortion and lots of analog problems, but if a whole piece (packet) gets lost, it is the end of the transmission. Nobody will change that for you in the year 2014 any more.

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If you try G.711, make sure that you turn echo cancellation off on the SPA. Otherwise the echo canceler will kill the FAX signal.


Yes I've already turn off echo cancellation (without better results)


Fax was not designed for packet networks. It can deal with distortion and lots of analog problems, but if a whole piece (packet) gets lost, it is the end of the transmission. Nobody will change that for you in the year 2014 any more.

OK, and my trunk provider says: G711 protocol should give satisfactory results... (for me it's catastrophic)

anyway, It doesn't explain the outgoing call failure on line 2.. yes ?

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Well T.38 was invented for a reason. This protocol also has its problems, but I would say it is your best shot to get FAX transmitted. Some ATA also support HTTPS fax, which makes it really 100 % reliable; but the support for this is in the service provider world is homeopathic.

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