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hasan özgilik

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  1. Thanks for your assistance. Web Http version has worked. Also I will be very happy, You share solution for windows service over Tcp version if you have solution or it is possible. And one more thing Is it possible text to speech with Snom Ivr mechanism. Is there a way to achive this?
  2. I have found that Snom Log says: [5] 20120323134706: Too many redirection loops, configured 10, current 11 The scenario is : After user enters his 11 character number , nodes speech 11 character one by one with help of external soap server.Soap server holds number and decide which character of number will be speech. [6] 20120323134642: Received DTMF 9 [8] 20120323134642: Call state for call object 110: idle [8] 20120323134642: call port 171: state code from 200 to 200 [8] 20120323134642: Call state for call object 110: connected [8] 20120323134642: Play recordings/ivr63.wav [8] 20120323134642: call port 171: state code from 200 to 200 [6] 20120323134647: Received DTMF 1 [8] 20120323134647: call port 171: state code from 200 to 200 [6] 20120323134647: Received DTMF 2 [6] 20120323134648: Received DTMF 3 [6] 20120323134648: Received DTMF 4 [6] 20120323134649: Received DTMF 5 [6] 20120323134649: Received DTMF 6 [6] 20120323134650: Received DTMF 7 [6] 20120323134650: Received DTMF 8 [6] 20120323134651: Received DTMF 9 [6] 20120323134652: Received DTMF 1 [6] 20120323134652: Received DTMF 2 [8] 20120323134652: HTTP client: Connect to, pending requests 0 [8] 20120323134652: Received response code 200 with destination 421 [8] 20120323134652: Call state for call object 110: idle [8] 20120323134652: Call state for call object 110: connected [8] 20120323134652: Play recordings/ivr120.wav [8] 20120323134652: call port 171: state code from 200 to 200 [8] 20120323134656: Play recordings/ivr120.wav [8] 20120323134656: call port 171: state code from 200 to 200 [8] 20120323134656: Last message repeated 2 times [8] 20120323134656: HTTP client: Connect to, pending requests 0 [8] 20120323134656: Received response code 200 with destination 9001 [8] 20120323134656: Call state for call object 110: idle [8] 20120323134656: Call state for call object 110: connected [8] 20120323134656: Play recordings/ivr111.wav [8] 20120323134656: call port 171: state code from 200 to 200 [8] 20120323134658: Play recordings/ivr111.wav [8] 20120323134658: call port 171: state code from 200 to 200 [8] 20120323134658: Last message repeated 2 times [8] 20120323134658: HTTP client: Connect to, pending requests 0 [8] 20120323134658: Received response code 200 with destination 9002 [8] 20120323134658: Call state for call object 110: idle [8] 20120323134658: Call state for call object 110: connected [8] 20120323134658: Play recordings/ivr112.wav [8] 20120323134658: call port 171: state code from 200 to 200 [8] 20120323134659: Play recordings/ivr112.wav [8] 20120323134659: call port 171: state code from 200 to 200 [8] 20120323134659: Last message repeated 2 times [8] 20120323134659: HTTP client: Connect to, pending requests 0 [8] 20120323134659: Received response code 200 with destination 9003 [8] 20120323134659: Call state for call object 110: idle [8] 20120323134659: Call state for call object 110: connected [8] 20120323134659: Play recordings/ivr113.wav [8] 20120323134659: call port 171: state code from 200 to 200 [8] 20120323134700: Play recordings/ivr113.wav [8] 20120323134700: call port 171: state code from 200 to 200 [8] 20120323134700: Last message repeated 2 times [8] 20120323134700: HTTP client: Connect to, pending requests 0 [8] 20120323134700: Received response code 200 with destination 9004 [8] 20120323134700: Call state for call object 110: idle [8] 20120323134700: Call state for call object 110: connected [8] 20120323134700: Play recordings/ivr119.wav [8] 20120323134700: call port 171: state code from 200 to 200 [8] 20120323134701: Play recordings/ivr119.wav [8] 20120323134701: call port 171: state code from 200 to 200 [8] 20120323134701: Last message repeated 2 times [8] 20120323134701: HTTP client: Connect to, pending requests 0 [8] 20120323134701: Received response code 200 with destination 9005 [8] 20120323134701: Call state for call object 110: idle [8] 20120323134701: Call state for call object 110: connected [8] 20120323134701: Play recordings/ivr114.wav [8] 20120323134701: call port 171: state code from 200 to 200 [8] 20120323134703: Play recordings/ivr114.wav [8] 20120323134703: call port 171: state code from 200 to 200 [8] 20120323134703: Last message repeated 2 times [8] 20120323134703: HTTP client: Connect to, pending requests 0 [8] 20120323134703: Received response code 200 with destination 9006 [8] 20120323134703: Call state for call object 110: idle [8] 20120323134703: Call state for call object 110: connected [8] 20120323134703: Play recordings/ivr115.wav [8] 20120323134703: call port 171: state code from 200 to 200 [8] 20120323134704: Play recordings/ivr115.wav [8] 20120323134704: call port 171: state code from 200 to 200 [8] 20120323134704: Last message repeated 2 times [8] 20120323134704: HTTP client: Connect to, pending requests 0 [8] 20120323134704: Received response code 200 with destination 9007 [8] 20120323134704: Call state for call object 110: idle [8] 20120323134704: Call state for call object 110: connected [8] 20120323134704: Play recordings/ivr116.wav [8] 20120323134704: call port 171: state code from 200 to 200 [8] 20120323134705: Play recordings/ivr116.wav [8] 20120323134705: call port 171: state code from 200 to 200 [8] 20120323134705: Last message repeated 2 times [8] 20120323134705: HTTP client: Connect to, pending requests 0 [8] 20120323134705: Received response code 200 with destination 9008 [8] 20120323134705: Call state for call object 110: idle [8] 20120323134705: Call state for call object 110: connected [8] 20120323134705: Play recordings/ivr117.wav [8] 20120323134705: call port 171: state code from 200 to 200 [8] 20120323134706: Play recordings/ivr117.wav [8] 20120323134706: call port 171: state code from 200 to 200 [8] 20120323134706: Last message repeated 2 times [8] 20120323134706: HTTP client: Connect to, pending requests 0 [8] 20120323134706: Received response code 200 with destination 9009 [5] 20120323134706: Too many redirection loops, configured 10, current 11 [8] 20120323134706: call port 171: state code from 200 to 482 [/Code]
  3. Thanks. As I sad no problem with soap format.Anyway It works for first 8 ivr node correctly but then suddenly break down call connection. Is there a limit for consecutive ivr executes or IIS issues. This is for IvrHandler.aspx. For Windows service, sending response to snom can not be achive yet. I wonder, Is it impossible with windows service?
  4. For IVRHandler.aspx I want to user, enter 11 number and I am reading those numbers one by one. No problem until 8th number character .Reads 8 IVR nodes succesfully. Then suddenly break down call connection. Snom doesn't send following IVR node soap information to External Soap Server. Wireshark trace says : PBX server) Client) ICMP(Protocol) 138 Destination unreachable (Port unreachable) For Windows Service I can not get any wireshark trace about getting response from service. Suppose that response can not be sent. I use for sending response. stream.Write(responseArray, 0, responseArray.Length); stream.Flush(); I didn' use client.Close(); or stream.Close(); because breaking down call connection.
  5. Hi,My IvrHandler.aspx as ivr soap server works correctly sends response to snom and executes ivrnode(421). But web version sometimes works slowly and sends responses late. I write windows service version of this code but I can not achive send response to snom. Getting Ivr request but can not send response. My code examples are below please help me. IvrHandler.aspx IvrHelper ivrHelper = new IvrHelper(); byte[] array = Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes); string ivrData = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(array); IvrRequest ivrRequest = ivrHelper.GetIvrRequest(ivrData); IvrResponse ivrResponse = new IvrResponse(); ivrResponse.CallID = ivrRequest.CallID; ivrResponse.Destination = "421"; // IVR Node string responseString = ivrResponse.Serialize(); Response.Write(responseString); My Windows Service this.listener.Start(); Byte[] bytes = new Byte[256]; while (true) { TcpClient client = listener.AcceptTcpClient(); client.NoDelay = true; StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder(); NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream(); int i = 0; do { i = stream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); data.Append(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, 0, i)); } while (i == bytes.Length); string ivrData = data.ToString(); IvrHelper ivrHelper = new IvrHelper(); IvrRequest ivrRequest = ivrHelper.GetIvrRequest(ivrData); IvrResponse ivrResponse = new IvrResponse(); ivrResponse.CallID = ivrRequest.CallID; ivrResponse.Destination = "421"; string responseString = ivrResponse.Serialize(); ASCIIEncoding asen = new ASCIIEncoding(); byte[] responseArray = asen.GetBytes(responseString); //THIS CODE IS SENDING RESPONSE BUT NOT WORK stream.Write(responseArray, 0, responseArray.Length); stream.Flush(); //client.Close(); //When I close call is closing //I have Tried this not work //StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(networkStream); //streamWriter.Write(responseString); //streamWriter.Flush(); }
  6. Call start date is coming without second information. Is there a setting for this. <Start>01/03 14:40</Start> <From>3285567</From> <To>4684700 (6041)</To> <State>connected</State> <Index>99821</Index> <Gain/> <Trunk>CC GELEN/GOZTEPE</Trunk>
  7. DBSearch function on calls table did not response anything. Also Snomone folder structure has no "Calls" folder.Snomone version is DBSearch https://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Access_to_the_Database#calls REQUEST <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?><env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:sns="http://www.pbxnsip.com/soap/pbx"><env:Body><sns:DBSearch><Table>calls</Table><Max>10</Max><Column><Name>to</Name><Value>70</Value></Column></sns:DBSearch></env:Body></env:Envelope> RESPONSE <env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:sns="http://soap.com/pbx"><env:Body><sns:DBSearchResponse></sns:DBSearchResponse></env:Body></env:Envelope> PBXNSIP Web Interface Status Tab Shows Start From To State Trunk Action 12/26 11:02 905076955611 70 alerting TELES Gateway
  8. Hi, when I call this link without login to web page I get: <Call> <Start>12/22 16:58</Start> <From>05374435533</From> <To>70@</To> <State>connected</State> <Index>14307</Index> <Gain/> <Trunk>CC GELEN</Trunk> </Call> But I login <Call> <Start>12/22 16:58</Start> <From>05374435533</From> <To>70 (6021)</To> <State>connected</State> <Index>14307</Index> <Gain/> <Trunk>CC GELEN</Trunk> </Call> Only Difference between "To" Tags <To>70@</To> <To>70 (6021)</To> I have tried lots of thing. We could not keep sessions for login with .Net code (HttpWebRequest). Is there a way to get "<To>70 (6021)</To>" information without login.
  9. Hi I download BPSNMPMon.exe and I enter Commununity : public, ( as Pbxnsip port settings) Host : (Pbxnsip IP) Where I put snmp port(default 161) and OID like in (http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=SNMP_Ports)? Thanks.
  10. These links have very limited information. Could you help us developing a .NET based(csharp)CSTA application, If there is an documentation or code block or forum topic. I found in PHP I coded in csharp windows service application but not work. And how use SNMP Ports. http://wiki.snomone....itle=SNMP_Ports Thanks.
  11. Hi, How get current registered extesions from sip server programatically. And how determine an extensions is dnd or in acd.I see only way parsing xml files in snom folder structure. Thanks.
  12. Also , how get other list like domain list , currently registered domain list , terminal list in dnd,terminal list in acd etc using this method. Or another methods.
  13. Hi, Is there a general document describing CDR(or ACD) mechanism and meanings of each field in CDR for all different issues and call scenarios in detail. For example in outgoing call this field x this field y, in incoming call this field x this field y, etc.
  14. We are using ver.3 We can not update to version 4 because of changing CDR and ACD format changes in ver 4. All our system works with ver. soap mechanism. In ver 3 is there an update that corrected this bug?
  15. It is only for pickup calls (*87). All other call types produce call records in defined path and produce soundrecordpath in cdr files and soap messages.
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