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Hi, did you try this approach?


How to use the reset button

The reset button on the snom ONE serves two purposes: First of all, it is a way to reboot the system without disconnecting the power. In order to do, push the button (and release it quickly after the pushing). The LED on the box will start blinking fast and then after 4 seconds start rebooting. Secondly, you can use the button to factory reset the system. After pushing the button, wait until the LED starts blinking fast. During the fast blinking period (about 4 seconds), you have to push the button three more times. Then after the blinking is over, the system will detect that a factory reset is desired and execute it.


other solution would be to ssh into the unit..

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The reset button on the snom ONE serves two purposes: First of all, it is a way to reboot the system without disconnecting the power. In order to do, push the button (and release it quickly after the pushing). The LED on the box will start blinking fast and then after 4 seconds start rebooting. Secondly, you can use the button to factory reset the system. After pushing the button, wait until the LED starts blinking fast. During the fast blinking period (about 4 seconds), you have to push the button three more times. Then after the blinking is over, the system will detect that a factory reset is desired and execute it.


this I have tried and it does not Work...


other solution would be to ssh into the unit..


how can it without the password?

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:wacko: well with all the talk about the NSA happening right now it must be seen as a product feature not to have any backdoor. You must have physical access to the device, I think that is the right approach.


The explanation how to perform the factory reset is difficult to understand, and it is also difficult to write. The reset button is checked in a shell script, which you can find in the working directory of the PBX. It was made publicly readable, for example to give resellers the possibility to change it (for example, to make sure that in areas with public access, people are not factory-resetting the devices).


The following code shows what is going on:

#! /bin/sh


function factory() {
  for i in *; do
    if [[ "$i" == *.sh ]]; then continue; fi
    if [[ "$i" == pbxctrl* ]]; then continue; fi
    if [[ "$i" == audio_* ]]; then continue; fi
    if [ $i == "restore" ]; then continue; fi
    rm -Rf $i

  cp restore/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces
  cp restore/shadow /etc/shadow
  sleep 1

cd $wdir
read v1 <<< $(awk '{if($4=="gpio_btn")print $2}' $ints)

while [ 1 ]; do
  # Read the key
  read v2 <<< $(awk '{if($4=="gpio_btn")print $2}' $ints)
  if [ "$v1" != "$v2" ]; then
    # Okay, user has pressed the key. Now see if the user wants to
    # reboot or reset. Blink a couple of times, if the button gets pressed three times it is a factory reset otherwise a reboot
    while [ $l -lt 20 ]; do
      echo -n default-on >$led
      sleep 0.1
      echo -n none >$led
      sleep 0.1
      read v3 <<< $(awk '{if($4=="gpio_btn")print $2}' $ints)
      if [ "$v2" != "$v3" ]; then

    if [ "$c" = "2" ]; then

    # Don't leave the loop any more:
    # Wait a while
    sleep 1
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  • 10 months later...



unfortunatly, I've deleted the reset-botton.sh script on my snomONE mini (backup system) and now I'm ultimately locked out. :(.

Is there any way to bring the system back to life (send hardware to snom/vodia)?

Can I save the license to another system (centOS VM) at least?




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What we would do is to to try the JTAG debug cable on it. If you want to avoid the shipping, you could try it yourself. GuruPlug JTAG is what you need to search for,

Good hint, thank you! Fortunatly, the network was reachable again. IPV6 was disabled on my nic.

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