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Everything posted by shopcomputer

  1. Unidata has some nice wifi phones. However more and more of my customers are choosing to use their android phones, no need to search for an app, the built in phone app can be configured for sip over wifi, unless the carrier blocks it.
  2. Renaming the folder brought in many new certificates, however we decided to authenticate using IP instead of registration, which eliminated the problem.
  3. I am able to view it however it is not recognizing it as a trusted, although it is exactly the same as imported certificate.
  4. I tried going to the certificates folder and opening the certificate, and changing the rs to server, it will show up as trusted, however it will not work, it will add another certificate as rejected. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <row><public>---BEGIN CERTIFICATE--- MIIF7DCCBNSgAwIBAgIQbsx6pacDIAm4zrz06VLUkTANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADCByjELMAkG A1UEBhMCVVMxFzAVBgNVBAoTDlZlcmlTaWduLCBJbmMuMR8wHQYDVQQLExZWZXJpU2lnbiBU cnVzdCBOZXR3b3JrMTowOAYDVQQLEzEoYykgMjAwNiBWZXJpU2lnbiwgSW5jLiAtIEZvciBh dXRob3JpemVkIHVzZSBvbmx5MUUwQwYDVQQDEzxWZXJpU2lnbiBDbGFzcyAzIFB1YmxpYyBQ cmltYXJ5IENlcnRpZmljYXRpb24gQXV0aG9yaXR5IC0gRzUwHhcNMTAwMjA4MDAwMDAwWhcN MjAwMjA3MjM1OTU5WjCBtTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxFzAVBgNVBAoTDlZlcmlTaWduLCBJbmMu MR8wHQYDVQQLExZWZXJpU2lnbiBUcnVzdCBOZXR3b3JrMTswOQYDVQQLEzJUZXJtcyBvZiB1 c2UgYXQgaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudmVyaXNpZ24uY29tL3JwYSAoYykxMDEvMC0GA1UEAxMmVmVy aVNpZ24gQ2xhc3MgMyBTZWN1cmUgU2VydmVyIENBIC0gRzMwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUA A4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQCxh4QfwgxF9byrJZenraI+nLr2wTm4i8rCrFbG5btljkRPTc5v7QlK 1K9OEJxoiy6Ve4mbE8riNDTB81vzSXtig0iBdNGIeGwCU/m8f0MmV1gzgzszChew0E6RJK2G fWQS3HRKNKEdCuqWHQsV/KNLO85jiND4LQyUhhDKtpo9yus3nABINYYpUHjoRWPNGUFP9ZXs e5jUxHGzUL4os4+guVOc9cosI6n9FAboGLSa6Dxugf3kzTU2s1HTaewSulZub5tXxYsU5w7H nO1KVGrJTcW/EbGuHGeBy0RVM5l/JJs/U0V/hhrzPPptf4H1uErT9YU3HLWm0AnkGHs4TvoP AgMBAAGjggHfMIIB2zA0BggrBgEFBQcBAQQoMCYwJAYIKwYBBQUHMAGGGGh0dHA6Ly9vY3Nw LnZlcmlzaWduLmNvbTASBgNVHRMBAf8ECDAGAQH/AgEAMHAGA1UdIARpMGcwZQYLYIZIAYb4 RQEHFwMwVjAoBggrBgEFBQcCARYcaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudmVyaXNpZ24uY29tL2NwczAqBggr BgEFBQcCAjAeGhxodHRwczovL3d3dy52ZXJpc2lnbi5jb20vcnBhMDQGA1UdHwQtMCswKaAn oCWGI2h0dHA6Ly9jcmwudmVyaXNpZ24uY29tL3BjYTMtZzUuY3JsMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIB BjBtBggrBgEFBQcBDARhMF+hXaBbMFkwVzBVFglpbWFnZS9naWYwITAfMAcGBSsOAwIaBBSP 5dMahqyNjmvDz4Bq1EgYLHsZLjAlFiNodHRwOi8vbG9nby52ZXJpc2lnbi5jb20vdnNsb2dv LmdpZjAoBgNVHREEITAfpB0wGzEZMBcGA1UEAxMQVmVyaVNpZ25NUEtJLTItNjAdBgNVHQ4E FgQUDURcFlNEwYJ+HSCrJfQBY9i+eaUwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUf9Nlp8Ld7LvwMAnzQzn6Aq8z MTMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQADggEBAAyDJO/dwwzZWJz+NrbrioBL0aP3nfPMU++CnqOh5pfB WJ11bOAdG0z60cEtBcDqbrIicFXZIDNAMwfCZYP6j0M3m+oOmmxw7vacgDvZN/R6bezQGH1J SsqZxxkoor7YdyT3hSaGbYcFQEFn0Sc67dxIHSLNCwuLvPSxe/20majpdirhGi2HbnTTiN0e IsbfFrYrghQKlFzyUOyvzv9iNw2tZdMGQVPtAhTItVgooazgW+yzf5VK+wPIrSbb5mZ4EkrZ n0L74ZjmQoObj49nJOhhGbXdzbULJgWOw27EyHW4Rs/iGAZeqa6ogZpHFt4MKGwlJ7net4RY xh84HqTEy2Y= ---END CERTIFICATE--- </public><subject>VeriSign Class 3 Secure Server CA - G3</subject><type>rs</type></row>
  5. I am running 4.5 and having the same issue with skype, when I paste the certificate on the certificate page it does not stay once I hit save.
  6. I would appreciate if you can get me the manual update sooner rather than later, I can upload it using WinSCP. The Soho we received on friday is running 2011-, and it is extremely buggy, we must get it updated ASAP or this client will dump the system along with the phones back to us. The provisioning.snomone.com is still down.
  7. I would appreciate if you can get me the manual update sooner rather than later, I can upload it using WinSCP. The Soho we received on friday is running 2011-, and it is extremely buggy, we must get it updated ASAP or this client will dump the system along with the phones back to us. The provisioning.snomone.com is still down.
  8. Can you please send me these files? I also need to get a Snom One soho working with 720's ASAP.
  9. Can you at least send me the snom 720 pnp files now, I need to do 720 setup today.
  10. Do you mean I should take the debian update on the site and manually update?
  11. Not sure what you are refering to, as you can see in this update log, the Snom update server is unreachable.
  12. Is update server down for maintenance? Updating library: Hit http://http.us.debian.org stable Release.gpg Hit http://http.us.debian.org stable Release Hit http://security.debian.org lenny/updates Release.gpg Hit http://ftp.us.debian.org lenny Release.gpg Ign http://http.us.debian.org stable/main Packages/DiffIndex Hit http://security.debian.org lenny/updates Release Ign http://http.us.debian.org stable/contrib Packages/DiffIndex Ign http://http.us.debian.org stable/non-free Packages/DiffIndex Hit http://http.us.debian.org stable/main Packages Hit http://http.us.debian.org stable/contrib Packages Hit http://http.us.debian.org stable/non-free Packages Hit http://ftp.us.debian.org lenny Release Ign http://security.debian.org lenny/updates/main Packages/DiffIndex Ign http://security.debian.org lenny/updates/contrib Packages/DiffIndex Ign http://security.debian.org lenny/updates/non-free Packages/DiffIndex Hit http://security.debian.org lenny/updates/main Packages Hit http://security.debian.org lenny/updates/contrib Packages Ign http://ftp.us.debian.org lenny/main Packages/DiffIndex Hit http://security.debian.org lenny/updates/non-free Packages Ign http://ftp.us.debian.org lenny/contrib Packages/DiffIndex Ign http://ftp.us.debian.org lenny/non-free Packages/DiffIndex Hit http://ftp.us.debian.org lenny/main Packages Hit http://ftp.us.debian.org lenny/contrib Packages Hit http://ftp.us.debian.org lenny/non-free Packages Err http://provisioning.snomone.com snomone Release.gpg Could not connect to provisioning.snomone.com:80 ( - connect (110 Connection timed out) Ign http://provisioning.snomone.com snomone Release Ign http://provisioning.snomone.com snomone/soho Packages/DiffIndex Ign http://provisioning.snomone.com snomone/soho Packages Err http://provisioning.snomone.com snomone/soho Packages Could not connect to provisioning.snomone.com:80 ( - connect (110 Connection timed out) W: Failed to fetch http://provisioning.snomone.com/packages/dists/snomone/Release.gpg Could not connect to provisioning.snomone.com:80 ( - connect (110 Connection timed out) W: Failed to fetch http://provisioning.snomone.com/packages/dists/snomone/soho/binary-armel/Packages Could not connect to provisioning.snomone.com:80 ( - connect (110 Connection timed out) E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. Upgrading Packages: Reading package lists... Building dependency tree... Reading state information... snomone-sh-core is already the newest version. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 260 not upgraded. Completed.
  13. Was the Snom Soho updated with the Snom 720 pnp files yet? I am doing an install tomorrow with 5 720 phones on a soho, I would appreciate if you can post the pnp files here, if it is not available on the soho update yet.
  14. I can confirm there is some sort of bug with the m9 autoprovision, I tried a few m9's with various Snom One servers, they do not register when provisioned automatically, if I remove the tls and port 5061 from the sip registration, it registers fine, probably something to do with the certificates.
  15. Any way to support Snom 720 with older versions, I need to add 720 phones to several clients, here are their version numbers. PBXnSIP Version: (Win32) PBXnSIP Version: (Win32)Upgrade: 9 31 2010 PBXnSIP Version: (Win32)
  16. Just create a scheduled task to run nithly and clean old files.
  17. Matt, Yes I read that, I did purchase 2, for this client, I am certain that one of the Snom guys at a show told me you can use multiple. I am not up to the paging delay yet, as I need to figure out how to manually set up buttons, I can't remember the last time I did that. What do you use for receptionists, the old 300 expansion module and manually update the papers? Polycom and all soft receptinist panels are no longer supported. I need to talk to you one day about using Lync as a phone system.
  18. It is extremely slow, I get page cannot be displayed sometimes too. I thought it works similar to the Polycom expansion modules. I need to set this up for a receptionist to watch 30 extensions, not fun to manually set up you buttons. The snom wiki page really has no information.
  19. So if I set up buttons on the eztension of the phone, it will push them to the Snom Vision?
  20. Any way to provision buttons on the Snom vision, or I must do it manually on the Vision?
  21. I did, they keep on dragging me, last I spoke to them the said I should talk to ABP, however they did not finalize pricing.
  22. Thanks Matt, After a few painful tries I got to manually register, quite difficult to manually provision with Polycom, they have many fields and every change needs a reboot. We must hack this to autoprovision maybe change the sip headers, I have several customers that will not move to Snom One until they now their past investment in third party equipment is secured.
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