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Vodia Support EU

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About Vodia Support EU

  • Birthday January 10

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  1. Hello, I think the most important thing for the upgrade is the licence, if this is not valid, it will not work. I would like to take a look at the licence you purchased. But I also think that it's not good to do it here. vodia@zammad.com We should follow this up in our ticket system.
  2. Can you please tell me something about your PBX version?
  3. Hello, there is no channel restriction from the PBX side, so we do not offer a notification option in this regard. All other notifications can be set under Admin/Settings/Messaging/Notifications.
  4. And which PBX version are you using? The android version has not been supported for a long time and a modern app is unlikely to run there.
  5. Mit der Einstellung "Muster" musste ich mich aus einem anderen Grund sehr ausführlich beschäftigen, so dass ich mich an den Microsoft-Support wenden musste. Dies hat jedoch zu keinem Erfolg geführt, da die Möglichkeiten, die Microsoft dort bietet, sehr begrenzt zu sein scheinen. Ich bin zu dem Schluss gekommen, dass Microsoft dies für seine Bedürfnisse nicht benötigt und daher keinen vollständigen Regex-Zeichensatz/Sytax-Satz zur Verfügung stellt. Die Verwendung von *-Codes(Stern-Codes) in Microsoft Direct Routing ist daher in der Tat problematisch, insbesondere wenn diese Codes als Vorwahlen in Telefonnummern verwendet werden.
  6. Hello, A very effective way to do this is to set up buttons. To do this, you should set the button to "Agent login/logout" and define the extension of the queue. This function uses the star codes.
  7. Hello, That seems to be a bit more, so I would ask you to open a ticket. Please send the ticket (email) to vodia@zammad.com. It is very helpful if you send an admin login (which you create temporarily for the PBX) and refer to this page here via a link.
  8. Hello, Normally this should not happen after a factory reset, it can certainly be assumed that this phone has been reset to factory settings. Is this phone known to the manufacturer's RPS (gdms) server and is there any data stored there that could be unintentionally taken over by the phone?
  9. Hallo, Ich möchte vorschlagen die Rechte zu prüfen, es schein dabei um die Aufzeichnungend er Gespräche zu gehen. Bitte prüfe die Rechte in dem Tenant/Settings/Groups. Diese Rechte sollten für die Nebenstelle erteilt sein: User can start recording calls/View call records/Manage call records/Record audio for groups/Manage recordings/Play recordings. Diese Rechte sollten geprüft werden und erteilt sein für die Nebenstelle/Nebenstellen.
  10. In view of the fact that international tensions are currently becoming more and more acute, and with them concerns about security on the Internet, installation "on site" will certainly remain an increasingly important issue. This is definitely a very important point for many customers, who feel safer with it.
  11. But I understand that and it's not normal, but the function is 100% given.
  12. Hello, I have to admit that I had to wait quite a long time for the Buton to reload after disconnecting from the mains. Dies dauerte etwa 10 bis 15 Minuten, und so lange leuchtete auch das gelbe Dreieck mit dem Ausrufezeichen. The account itself was ready for use within a short time. I have TLS provisioned the phone and my firmware is
  13. Hello, Thank you very much, it works very stable for me when I set the Identity setting to the value "Default", with a T54W..
  14. Hello, Can you please send a screenshot of the BLF programming?
  15. Hello, unfortunately I can't reproduce the behavior either. The change was done in less than a second (Samsung Z4 and Xiomi Mi 11). In any case, I would uninstall the app (then restart the phone) and then reinstall it.
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