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"buttons" vs. non-PnP with Snom phones give disparate results


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I recently setup the programmable buttons on my snom phones with 7.1.35 and the most recent version of 3.0 .. I compared using the buttons programmed by hand through the GUI as extensions, PnP with Buttons set as "monitor extension" and PnP with Buttons set as "speed dial



Discovery results determined that if you do them by hand you have full functionality . if you use the "buttons" feature , you can use 1 of 2 options and each option has 1/2 the functionality ,




Manual Program BUTTONS with Monitor BUTTONS with Speed dial




Can Intercept another Ringing extension with BLF Button YES YES NO

(if another phone is ringing and it being monitored ,

you can press the button and intercept the call avoiding

the need for *87)



Can Blind Transfer a call using Xfer + BLF Button YES NO YES

(If you want to transfer you can press the transfer

button then the BLF button rather than i.e. transfer + 207)



Can call another extension by pressing the BLF button YES NO YES

(basically allows the BLF to work as a mutlifunction button

for monitoring and speed dial)



Can call intercept a call on hold YES YES NO

(if someone puts a call on hold , you can monitor that extension and

see the BLF light slow blink) if you want you can simply press

that person's line to take their call off hold and recieve it)



I find this a problem since PBXNSIP advertises and actively encourages using Plug and Play for button assignments , but the results you get are absolutely not the same as programming the the buttons by hand , doing them by hand is clearly the more powerful but most labor intensive option ,


what can we do to get the "Buttons" feature with the PBX to better mimic the encumbent process, since customers switching to PnP and Buttons are clearly not getting the full functionality ,



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I recently setup the programmable buttons on my snom phones with 7.1.35 and the most recent version of 3.0 .. I compared using the buttons programmed by hand through the GUI as extensions, PnP with Buttons set as "monitor extension" and PnP with Buttons set as "speed dial"


BLF is supposed to be really stupid. It does show the status of the monitored resource. But whenever you are pushing the button, it just calls the number. Pickup is not possible with that, that is a feature because it avoids race conditions (incoming call and at the same time pushing the button will accidentially pick up an incoming call - you don't want that).


Speed dial is even more stupid. It just dials the number, no matter what.


Transfer scenarios in SIP require that the phone initiates a REFER. That is a little bit tricky with the buttons. Lets see if a firmware upgrade on the phones addresses this problem in the future.

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You are missing my Point , the REAL point here is that if I do the Snom buttons by hand EVERYTHING works fine , if I do plug and play for the "buttons" , they don't work exactly the same ,


basically doing PNP with the buttons is less feature rich as doing them by hand , but we are telling all customers how great PnP is for buttons etc and telling them to do it this way, and in essence they are NOT getting exactly the same results ,


PnP is good beacuse it is easier right now and has some usable features , but until it can support the full feature set as hand entered buttons , it is lacking in it's usability and in my opinion a "half job" that is out there lingering waiting to create customer complaints and kill customer references ,


bottom line is , we can provide the highest level of secure voice encryption , support wideband voice protocols , allow easy redundancy for hot swap servers and monitor calls on our desktops ,


but if the stupid buttons don't work , they are going to throw the thing out the window ,



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