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The 5 bytes returned are probably "false". Which means that the request to establish a session failed...

If you want to use curl there is an easier way to authenticate the request, just use the -u admin:password option for curl (e.g. curl -u username:password GET -D - Then there is no need to set up a session.

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If you want to perform a third party login, there is a special API for that that will also set the necessary headers for the cross origin problem (CORS). This works different from the login for the browser. There is an article on https://doc.vodia.com/third_party on this topic. There is also an example at the bottom of https://doc.vodia.com/click2dial where you can see how the soft phone gets the credentials for a user.

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Please understand, if this is any trouble don't worry about it. I am sure this isn't a oft used feature, as no one else has mentioned it on the forums. That is why i used the topic header, and there was nothing in the forums on the third party login, but a fair bit of activity with the php api. 

I realize that browser security it becoming more and more challenging, so this probably did work at the latest browser updates may have killed it. In any event, if you can resolve it or not, the Vodia pbx is a fantastic product. Keep it up!

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