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Running 3.1.2 on Windows box


1- Does PBXnSIP support Company Directory in some ways? and does it generate content that can be acessible company wide? If yes How?


If not


2- Does LDAP could be a good solution? and How


My goal is to get everyone access to the complete company directory on every phone, either by grabbing some file from PBX or true provisioning (ould be better)



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Running 3.1.2 on Windows box


1- Does PBXnSIP support Company Directory in some ways? and does it generate content that can be acessible company wide? If yes How?


If not


2- Does LDAP could be a good solution? and How


My goal is to get everyone access to the complete company directory on every phone, either by grabbing some file from PBX or true provisioning (ould be better)


That is a difficult topic.


First, the question is: Who wants to read the directory?


If it is the phone, then we have a couple of methods. Polycom gets the address book provisioned after the reboot, snom pulls it down in its XML format (via HTTP), and there are new ideas about using XCAP for a more interoperable way of having an address book.


If it is the PBX that should pull down the directory (especially from a ActiveDirectory), that is a completely different topic.


And then we have a new topic coming up. LinkedIn, Xing, Salesforce, and I-don't-know what social networks are storing a lot of very interesting data (even with pictures!) that users would love to see on the display when a call comes in. A standard? No way. Everybody doing it in a different way. That is not making our life easier...

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That is a difficult topic.


First, the question is: Who wants to read the directory?


If it is the phone, then we have a couple of methods. Polycom gets the address book provisioned after the reboot, snom pulls it down in its XML format (via HTTP), and there are new ideas about using XCAP for a more interoperable way of having an address book.


If it is the PBX that should pull down the directory (especially from a ActiveDirectory), that is a completely different topic.


And then we have a new topic coming up. LinkedIn, Xing, Salesforce, and I-don't-know what social networks are storing a lot of very interesting data (even with pictures!) that users would love to see on the display when a call comes in. A standard? No way. Everybody doing it in a different way. That is not making our life easier...



Many thanks for your reply, I understand, it is a large topic. So to make it simple let me rephrase what I need.


All phones are LinkSys SPA962/SPA942

PBX is running under WinBox


Idealy, I would like PBX to generate whatever it need in order to have all SPA phones to reade and display Company directory.

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Many thanks for your reply, I understand, it is a large topic. So to make it simple let me rephrase what I need.


All phones are LinkSys SPA962/SPA942

PBX is running under WinBox


Idealy, I would like PBX to generate whatever it need in order to have all SPA phones to reade and display Company directory.


Oh I did not know they support LDAP... That would be another way of reason the address book! Any links to that?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Many thanks for your reply, I understand, it is a large topic. So to make it simple let me rephrase what I need.


All phones are LinkSys SPA962/SPA942

PBX is running under WinBox


Idealy, I would like PBX to generate whatever it need in order to have all SPA phones to reade and display Company directory.


My experience has been if you want to have all features work on a sip phone, sometimes you have to limit what phone you buy. Advanced features=advanced phone? Something like that.


I've found that snom seems to utilize advanced features the most universally. (in differenct soft ip pbxes)


My finding.


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