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pbxnsip logging information


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Is PBXnSIP planning on adding stronger logging mechanisms. I'm looking to determine the missed logon attempts from devices trying to register to our managed servers. As it stands, there are no entries with any specifics I can refer to.


If someone tries to unsuccessfully log into any PBXnSIP devices, my only mechanism of knowing is having the client tell me they can't log in. While I can look at *some* of the SIP information on the phones, there is nothing on the PBXnSIP boxes themselves that tell me what the issue is, e.g. incorrect password, unauthorized login, etc. I cannot tell who is attempting to log in, IF they're getting any errors, if they're even authorized. Is there a mechanism to get at least syslog entries up and running.

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Is PBXnSIP planning on adding stronger logging mechanisms. I'm looking to determine the missed logon attempts from devices trying to register to our managed servers. As it stands, there are no entries with any specifics I can refer to.


If someone tries to unsuccessfully log into any PBXnSIP devices, my only mechanism of knowing is having the client tell me they can't log in. While I can look at *some* of the SIP information on the phones, there is nothing on the PBXnSIP boxes themselves that tell me what the issue is, e.g. incorrect password, unauthorized login, etc. I cannot tell who is attempting to log in, IF they're getting any errors, if they're even authorized. Is there a mechanism to get at least syslog entries up and running.


3.3.1 is writing a syslog message when a admin logs in, including the IP address. This also goes into the web interface. Unfortunately, because syslog is crazy difficult in Windows, this works only in Linux.


Brute-force attacks are slowed down significantly because an unsuccessful login takes several seconds and the PBX lets other requests wait before it accepts them.

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