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Error "Connection refused on udp:"


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Hello all,


I'm trying to learn and tech myself voip, at this moment I have the following setup:

- ITSP from Dutch provider XS4All

- pbxnsip on a win2003 32 bit server

- Exchange 2007 on a win2003 64 bit server

If you search on Google for "DTMF XS4All problem" you will find hits that Asterisk for example have problems receiving DTMF command from an incmming DID number from XS4All, it should be RFC 2833 but it isn't.


I ran into the same problems, the UM from Exchange 2007 expects me to enter an Pin number.. It doesn't hear me entering the number. I allready changed the "Overall System Settings" to "Inband DTMF detection" it doesn't work. When I call the DID number it inmediately goed to exchange and Exchange still doesn't recognise the DTMF tones.



When pressing the numbers on my phone, these tones are received by pbxnsip. Does pbxnsip change these inband tones to RFC2833 and gives these to exchange? Or is pbxnsip doing nothing about those tones because they are "inband" and Exchange should be checking if the DTMF tones are inband? The connection to UM Exchange is their, it starts talking like "Welcome you are connected to Microsoft Exchange"



Are their any other DTMF related settings to take a look at to get it working?


Thanks in Advance, an Happy pbxnsip user from Holland

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I wanted to place a reply on my prior post about my provider XS4All. I didn't want to wait for a solution because that error seemd to be completely related to the ISP and not PBXnSIP. The only thing PBXnSIP could do is make a setting which enabled the DTMF for that provider. I only got a trial license for 14 day's :( if it doesn't work i won't buy :(

Anyway, I purchased another DID number from another company called BudgetPhone, cost around 10 Euro a year. I have created the trunk according the Wiki so I also placed the "Outbound Proxy" with the setting "sip:;transport=tcp". I also restarted the server where PBXnSIP is installed..


When I place a call with a PSTN phone to my DID Budgetphone number I got the UM Exchaneg connection saying "Welcome to Microsoft Exchange please enter you extension number" when I try several times to enter my Extension number it sometimes say's "3 is not a valid extension, please try again" My extension is 300 and 1 of 10 times I succeed to enter my extension, another 1 of 10 times is nessesary to enter the correct Pin. It seems like the Exchange server isn't receiving the DTMF tones correctly.

When checking the log the only strange thing i get is "Refused on UDP" why is it saying UDP??? It should be TCP only...


Peace of Logfile:

[5] 2007/09/04 14:05:10: Identify trunk 4

[5] 2007/09/04 14:05:10: Trunk Budgetphone sends call to 31537113511

[5] 2007/09/04 14:05:10: Dialplan: Match 731537113511@localhost to <sip:31537113511@;user=phone> on trunk Exchange Gateway

[5] 2007/09/04 14:05:10: Using "0534804200" <sip:0534804200@localhost> as redirect from

[5] 2007/09/04 14:05:10: Charge user 31537113511 for redirecting calls

[5] 2007/09/04 14:05:10: Opening a new connection

[5] 2007/09/04 14:05:10: Redirecting call

[5] 2007/09/04 14:05:10: Opening a new connection

[5] 2007/09/04 14:05:10: Connection refused on udp:


What are the 'Best' practice settings for an Exchange 2007 SP1 setup? System Settings are at this moment:

SIP Settings:

Use Short SIP Headers: Long

Listen to sip.mcast.net: No

Allow domain admin to change trunks: Yes

Loopback detection: Off

Inband DTMF detection: Off

Remote SIP management Off


I Hope somebody can help me with this annoying DTMF problem, i hope it's related to this trying UDP...


Best Regards Tom from Netherlands

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Right, you need to narrow down the problem. Maybe you have two seperate problems.


First of all, if you hear anything Exchange, that is already a good sign.


The first on is your ITSP. We saw ITSP advertizing RFC2833, but then sending inband - which is obviously quite confusing. You can fix that by turning inband detection on. The 2.1 has a better inband DTMF detection, I recommend to use that version for inband detection (see the annoucement forum for the latest build). You can test this without Exchange simply by calling the auto attendant and see if the PBX responds to DTMF input.


The second one is Exchange. I also heared from other users that Exchange has problems with DTMF. But I also saw that DTMF was working with Exchange, so maybe there is a Exchange setting for that. AFAIK Exchange supports RFC 2833


The PBX should do "DTMF transcoding" - that means if the operator sends out of band but Exchange expects inband, that should work. Maybe you can call from a VoIP phone that does DTMF using RFC2833 without any doubts and call into Exchange and see if that works.


I guess you saw http://wiki.pbxnsip.com/index.php/Microsoft_Exchange. Not sure if there is any hidden setting about DTMF on Exchange.

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Right, you need to narrow down the problem. Maybe you have two seperate problems. First of all, if you hear anything Exchange, that is already a good sign.

I totally agree, one of the first things I want to do is to enable the Autoresponder on the PBXnSIP box. At this moment any call from any trunk isdirectly connected to the Exchange UM.



The first on is your ITSP. We saw ITSP advertizing RFC2833, but then sending inband - which is obviously quite confusing. You can fix that by turning inband detection on. The 2.1 has a better inband DTMF detection, I recommend to use that version for inband detection (see the annoucement forum for the latest build). You can test this without Exchange simply by calling the auto attendant and see if the PBX responds to DTMF input.

Ok. for the record, I have 2 ITSP providers (One XS4all which, ragarding google, have DTMF problems on forhand, Two BudgetPhone, this DID provider should be totally RFC2833.

When I fix the auto attendant on my pbxnsip for incommming ITSP calls, can I make it visible what kind of DTMF tones pbxnsip is receiving when i press some test buttons? You mention in your reply that "We saw ITSP advertizing RFC2833" butt how can you tell from such short line of log files? I will test your suggestion asap (like after sending this reply)



The second one is Exchange. I also heared from other users that Exchange has problems with DTMF. But I also saw that DTMF was working with Exchange, so maybe there is a Exchange setting for that. AFAIK Exchange supports RFC 2833

When I test with X-Lite from http://www.counterpath.com/ installed on my laptop it works flawless. This laptop is connected to the same network as the pbxnsip and exchange 2007 server, same subnet. All DTMF tones are wel received, also voice recognisation works flawless. I only got problems now from calls placed to my DID number who should route to Exchange the same as the X-Lite on my laptop. So i think it has nothing to do with the settings on the Exchange 2007 server. At least I hope not because 'Telling Microsoft' they have to tell us how or change something is allmost 'mission impossible'.



The PBX should do "DTMF transcoding" - that means if the operator sends out of band but Exchange expects inband, that should work. Maybe you can call from a VoIP phone that does DTMF using RFC2833 without any doubts and call into Exchange and see if that works.

Is it possible to visualise this process? I think this is something worth looking at, because X-lite works flawless and only the ITSP trunks works 1 out of 10 times. So perhaps something in conversion is going wrong.



1 other thing, the topic is "Connection refused on udp:" and you are not saying anything about that. AFAIK Exchange only supports SIP:TCP and not SIP:UDP... So this line in my logfile worries me. Because you are not saying anything about this line i assume that a) you never saw it before and also are puzzled :( this error is no problem and we can say it's normal it comes up :(


I'm going to test the Autoattendent first, after that I will check the 2.1. version! Please reply with anymore usefull info if you find something.


Best Regards Tom from Netherlands.

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The 2.1 has a better inband DTMF detection, I recommend to use that version for inband detection (see the annoucement forum for the latest build). You can test this without Exchange simply by calling the auto attendant and see if the PBX responds to DTMF input.

I first tried the auto attendant from pbxnsip, this worked flawless with X-Lite on the local subnet. But it didn't work for the both DID numbers from Budgetphone and Xs4all. Then I tried the secon suggestion, Beta 2.1. "pbxctrl-" it worked instantly! That said, only for the Budgetphone DID number, Inband DTMF detection is turned off. Then i tried DTMF inband turned on and also tried the other DID number from Xs4all again, still no luck. I also found a forum article which is maybe related http://forum.pbxnsip.com/index.php?showtopic=136

At this point I have a working solution with Budgetphone DID number and "pbxctrl-" , still however i got this strange "UDP" error.. Does it hurt/important?


Piece of the log file:

Please use the information on this web page when you address the support.

License Status: Mr. Tom

License Duration: 13 days

Version: (Win32)

Please use the information on this web page when you address the support.

Version: (Win32)

License Status: Mr. Tom

License Duration: 13 days

[5] 2007/09/04 20:21:52: SIP port accept from

[5] 2007/09/04 20:21:58: Identify trunk (line match) 4

[5] 2007/09/04 20:21:58: Trunk Budgetphone sends call to 31537113511

[5] 2007/09/04 20:21:58: Dialplan: Match 731537113511@localhost to <sip:31537113511@;user=phone> on trunk Exchange Gateway

[5] 2007/09/04 20:21:58: Using "0534354000" <sip:0534354000@localhost> as redirect from

[5] 2007/09/04 20:21:58: Charge user 31537113511 for redirecting calls

[5] 2007/09/04 20:21:58: Using codecs pcmu pcma g726-32 gsm telephone-event

[5] 2007/09/04 20:21:58: Using codecs pcmu pcma gsm telephone-event

[5] 2007/09/04 20:21:58: Redirecting call

[5] 2007/09/04 20:21:58: Connection refused on udp:

[5] 2007/09/04 20:22:43: BYE Response: Terminate 5090ac054caa92c35446f1f4312de6f8@gw02-mci.budgetphone.nl


Best Regards Tom,

PS, is their any wiki page about Dialplan, it got me puzzled how this exactly works...

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[5] 2007/09/04 20:21:58: Connection refused on udp:

PS, is their any wiki page about Dialplan, it got me puzzled how this exactly works...


I would not worry about the connection refused at this point. This has nothing to do with DTMF.


If you increase the log level to 6, you will see DTMF events also in the PBX log ("Received DTMF ..."). You need to enable "Log media events" logging for that (see http://wiki.pbxnsip.com/index.php/Log_Setup). This should help to track down DTMF detection on the PBX. Be aware that the PBX does not always listens to DTMF stuff, especially if a regular 2-party call is establised. A safe way to make the PBX listen to DTMF is to call the auto attendant.


There is some information about dial plans in http://wiki.pbxnsip.com/index.php/Domain_A...ator#Dial_Plans. 99 % of the time the simple dial plan is enough, the ERE dial plan style is usually only neccessary if you trying to do fancy stuff (like ENUM).

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  • 11 months later...

Hello All,


I keept on looking whole night, frustrated i went to bed, I have a small setup and it worked for 11 months (see formal entries in this post). Setup still looks like this:

Exchange 2007 SP1 on Win 2003 64 bit (All roles on 1 machine)

PBXNSIP (Just only for Sip Provider >> Exchange OVA)

Budgetphone pre-paid Voip Sip Dialin number


Above setup ran for 11 months, I could ring with a landline or mobile to the number I got from Budgetphone and inmediately I receive the AutoAttendant from Exchange on the line. I press in my Extension number and Pin and voila allmost all options worked (The thing which didn't work is that it could put me trough to an external number) all other things worked (voice recognisation, reading E-mail in Dutch etc)

11 months Ago I had the biggest problems to setup a decent DTMF solution. I started of with XS4all but after 32 hours searching I found out that they didn;t used a DTMF protocol which could work in this setup. So I ended up with Budgetphone, and that worked allmost inmediately.


Current Issue:

When I call, I get the AA from Exchange asking me for my Extension number, i push the buttons and nothing happens. In the end I receive "Sorry you are having trouble, please try again later."

Nothing has been changed in the last 6 months, the Autoupdate features of windows is disabled. I contacted Budgetphone to ask if something changed in their network, they say they didn't...


Tried following:

I have a laptop with X-lite installed, 11 months ago I used this for trouble shooting. This laptop and extension still worked, the X-lite client connects directly to the PBXNSIP server. When I called my Exchange extension on the X-Lite client I get the AA from Exchange, I entered my pin and it worked! So the X-lite DTMF to PBXNSIP to Exchange is still OK. Tried again with from a normal landline, nothing, no response.

- Checked the forum, some people say you can enable DTMF tracing, I haven't got a clue which log settings to enable the DTMF trace. I would like to see that PBXNSIP is receiving DTMF (in which format, inband or RFC 2833)

- How can I check if Exchange OVA is receiving DTMF, someone mentioned

- Upgrade to ( did not work, the automatic upgrade, when I did it manually all trunks went down ??) with a clean Install i didn;t manage to setup the Exchange dialplan. I followed the procedure http://wiki.pbxnsip.com/index.php/Microsoft_Exchange (it was latem perhaps again tonight)

- I also tried a clean install of , after adding my small Lab License, I only was able to add 2 extension instead of the 4 I use (AA from PBXNsip, X-lite, Dialin Budgetphone, another Dialin XS4all) and only 2 trunks instead of the 3 I use (2 dialins Sips and the Exchange trunk)



- While making this entry I discioverd some more details about DTMF logging (put log level in 9 and check POwer settings) How can I check DTMF on the Exchange site?

- Any other explanation why 'Out of the Blue' it doesn't work anymore?

- What are the differences when Using PBXNSIP for setting up OVA Exchange?

- Are their DTMF improvements when using the with Exchange OVA?

- OfTopic, is the licensing Model really tuned down to only 2 extensions 2 trunks in

- Any other good tip to check ?


Best Regards Tom

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I keept on looking whole night, frustrated i went to bed, I have a small setup and it worked for 11 months (see formal entries in this post). Setup still looks like this:

Exchange 2007 SP1 on Win 2003 64 bit (All roles on 1 machine)

PBXNSIP (Just only for Sip Provider >> Exchange OVA)

Budgetphone pre-paid Voip Sip Dialin number


I would upgrade the PBX to 2.1.14, 2.1.0 may be not the best choice, see the release notes http://wiki.pbxnsip.com/index.php/Release_Notes.


Above setup ran for 11 months, I could ring with a landline or mobile to the number I got from Budgetphone and inmediately I receive the AutoAttendant from Exchange on the line. I press in my Extension number and Pin and voila allmost all options worked (The thing which didn't work is that it could put me trough to an external number) all other things worked (voice recognisation, reading E-mail in Dutch etc)

11 months Ago I had the biggest problems to setup a decent DTMF solution. I started of with XS4all but after 32 hours searching I found out that they didn;t used a DTMF protocol which could work in this setup. So I ended up with Budgetphone, and that worked allmost inmediately.


When the setup stays the same, and you have this "overnight" experience, it could be that your SIP service provider wanted to do you a favour and upgraded their switch. The service providers often have problems with DTMF, mostly because they are in a "sandwich" situation between their providers and the endcustomers and have to do DTMF transcoding - which is pretty buggy and hard.



- While making this entry I discioverd some more details about DTMF logging (put log level in 9 and check POwer settings) How can I check DTMF on the Exchange site?

- Any other explanation why 'Out of the Blue' it doesn't work anymore?

- What are the differences when Using PBXNSIP for setting up OVA Exchange?

- Are their DTMF improvements when using the with Exchange OVA?

- OfTopic, is the licensing Model really tuned down to only 2 extensions 2 trunks in

- Any other good tip to check ?


I would take a Wireshark trace and check the DTMF negotiation and the DTMF traffic between the PBX and the service provider. Maybe if it is not too long, you can just port the ZIP file here. Then I would make a backup of the PBX directory and upgrade to 2.1.14 see if that makes any difference.


The licensing model did not change between 2.0 and 3.0. Just the prices went up a little "because of the oil price"...

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I would upgrade the PBX to 2.1.14, 2.1.0 may be not the best choice, see the release notes http://wiki.pbxnsip.com/index.php/Release_Notes.


Why no go for version 3.0. , not stable enough, or just what i said, some settings are just somewhere else?


I would take a Wireshark trace and check the DTMF negotiation and the DTMF traffic between the PBX and the service provider. Maybe if it is not too long, you can just port the ZIP file here. Then I would make a backup of the PBX directory and upgrade to 2.1.14 see if that makes any difference.

I first try the log setting to 6 or higher and the logs in pbxnsip itself.


The licensing model did not change between 2.0 and 3.0. Just the prices went up a little "because of the oil price"...

Are you sure? Because I have to open a new thread, I really wasn;t able to create more then 2 extensions (license said I should be able to create 5) perhaps a small bug, same goes for the trunks.


Best Regards, Tom

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Hurray, not another night, version with a clean install was/is working. Budgetphone/PBXNSIP/Exchange are all getting the DTMF tones. I started of with the logging on level 7. I noticed that when the call is forwarded to Exchange you won;t see the DTMF detection by PBXNSIP. When I used the AutoAttendent from PBXNSIP i see the DTMF received messages in the log appaering as level 6 logging.


It's a pitty you cannot see what kind of DTMF PBXNSIP is receiving inband or RFC2833 and what it does when it forwards the DTMF tone to Exchange :(


However, offtopic, you are right when you say "The licensing model did not change between 2.0 and 3.0." Butt the licensing changed between and, i'm only able to create 2 trunks and 2 extensions. I will E-mail support on the website, perhaps something wrong with my License..


Best Regards, Tom

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