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I'm having a problem where the PBX web site will not work unless you access the site from the server itself. If you try and browse the site from a client on the network you receive a website under construction page. The sites were working previously and I’m confused as to why this would suddenly stop working.


We are running server 2003 r2 with pbxnsip 3.4


Any help would be great, although I know this more likely to be an IIS problem.




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I'm having a problem where the PBX web site will not work unless you access the site from the server itself. If you try and browse the site from a client on the network you receive a website under construction page. The sites were working previously and I’m confused as to why this would suddenly stop working.


We are running server 2003 r2 with pbxnsip 3.4


Any help would be great, although I know this more likely to be an IIS problem.





As long as you have the right IP:port, it should work. Maybe as you think, it maybe the IIS showing you this page.

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As long as you have the right IP:port, it should work. Maybe as you think, it maybe the IIS showing you this page.


IIS is showing me the page. The problem seems to be that IIS is not forwarding the requests to the pbxnsip service. The site is setup to us port 80 in IIS. It’s also set to use the default website, although I can’t seem to find where this site is actually located. There is no host header configured, but I’m sure this is correct.


Is there anyone who understands the mechanics of how or what IIS is forwarding the request to? I’m at complete loss as to what I could try next...

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Is there anyone who understands the mechanics of how or what IIS is forwarding the request to? I'm at complete loss as to what I could try next...


:blink: IIS forwarding the request?! It should not... The PBX is running its own web server on a different port. For example, if the PBX runs it's service on port 8080, then you would use a HTTP URL like this: (the http:// part is important for most browsers).


You can try to let the IIS server send a 302 redirection code when accessing a certain page, then the web browser would go to the PBX after the redirection.

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:blink: IIS forwarding the request?! It should not... The PBX is running its own web server on a different port. For example, if the PBX runs it's service on port 8080, then you would use a HTTP URL like this: (the http:// part is important for most browsers).


You can try to let the IIS server send a 302 redirection code when accessing a certain page, then the web browser would go to the PBX after the redirection.



Thanks for you help. As you can probably tell I'm new to pbxnsip and I've had just figured out where I have been going wrong. The problem lies in that IIS was interfering with the pbxnsip web server. The IIS default web site was hijacking port 80 and stopping the external requests for reaching the pbxnsip web service on port 80. Disabling the default website fixed the problem.

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