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New Trunk setup 2011- Coma Berenicids


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We are trying now 2011- Coma Berenicids (Win32) The problem that we are having is that when we are using Remote-Party-ID the invite it not working i know that in this version we can customize the sip invite , well i want able to get this to work like before


2011- Coma Berenicids


From: "Stephen" <sip:7188888888@domain.sample.com;user=phone>;tag=14837

From: <sip:>;tag=58356


Contact: <sip:9788885555@;transport=udp>

Contact: <sip: :5060;transport=udp>


Remote-Party-ID: " Stephen " <sip: 7188888888 @ domain.sample.com ;user=phone>;party=calling;screen=yes;privacy=full

Remote-Party-ID: " Stephen " <sip: 7188888888 @ domain.sample.com ;user=phone>




New P-Charging-Vector: icid-value=;icid-generated-at= ;orig-ioi=domain.sample.com



I guess i will need to use a custom invite Please let me know what it should put that it should work just like the old version Remote-Party-ID


Thank You

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You can set the "Remote Party/Privacy Indication:" to "Custom Headers" and then set "P-Charging-Vector:" to "Don't use header". That should take the unwanted header out.


A question before we can go ahead.


  1. What is 7188888888 - domain/trunk/extension ANI?


Depending on the answer, you can look at the http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Trunk_Custom_Headers and http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=Custom_Headers_on_the_Trunk to set your trunk too.

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What is the code to use on the trunk it should display " ANI for emergency calls" ?


Thank you


You can set the "Remote Party/Privacy Indication:" to "Custom Headers" and then set "P-Charging-Vector:" to "Don't use header". That should take the unwanted header out.


A question before we can go ahead.


  1. What is 7188888888 - domain/trunk/extension ANI?


Depending on the answer, you can look at the http://wiki.snomone...._Custom_Headers and http://wiki.snomone....rs_on_the_Trunk to set your trunk too.

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