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After upgrading a 870 to the latest we now have a "(srtp/tls)' string showing under the time timer for in/out calls instead of the extension number as we had before. This is with a snomone plus.


Any ideas how to get rid of it and replace it with either the incoming extension number or dialed one? We are showing the name correctly on top, we just want to replace this strange string with the extension number.





Hi Nathan,


This text appears on the display so that you are informed that a secure call is made (SRTP => secure voice, TLS => secure SIP) . I understand that this text is annoying to you and thus I added a request to change it (internal ID SCPP-3335, will appaer in release notes when fixed). You could disable TLS but this would make your calls insecure: http://wiki.snomone.com/index.php?title=How_to_deactivate_TLS . If your phones are within LAN this is not such a bug problem though.

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