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SNOM One Plus Upgrade to v5 path


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What is the upgrade patch to v5 for Snom One Plus boxes? I have an 8 FXO version running the SNOM one free that was purchase 1 month ago. To get the same functionality in v5 I am looking at a 2K upgrade??? I also see the new Snom One Plus box is windows based do I need to put Windows 8 on this box to upgrade?

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The snom ONE plus is for us a hardware like pretty much any other server hardware. That means when it comes to software, you can keep (and should) the operating system as it is. No need to rock the boat!


We will not sell the snom ONE plus as closed system any more; if the owner wants to log into the system I don't see a reason why he should not be allowed to do so. For new snom ONE plus boxes we suggest to use Windows simply because it is easier to maintain for most people and also because NBE was originally designed for Windows. If customers prefer Linux and know how to run a Linux system, we can also do this on Linux.


Regarding the upgrade topic, this is independent from the snom ONE plus hardware. It would not be 2K because the upgrade is discounted heavily anyway; at the end of the day you have yourself (or the customer) if they can live without the fax2email and the Lync feature for some time. The answer might be that is okay for now, no need to rush an update.

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