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Upgrade from 4.3 to 5.x


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I have a customer with an old system we're upgrading, and we've already purchased a license for the most current version. However, the website says I need to upgrade from 4.3 => 4.5 => 5.2.4 - but I can't find a download link for 4.5. Can you post one please?






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Hi, Upgrading to version 5 is extremely simple, for version 4 users you will have to manually download 2 items.


1. Download the OS version that correspond to your machine.

2. Download pbxctrl-5.2.4.dat


Copy paste the link on your web browser.


For example http://vodia.com/downloads/pbx/win32/pbxctrl-v5.2.4-32.exe and http://vodia.com/downloads/pbx/pbxctrl-5.2.4.dat


copy these files to your PBX working directory which in windows is C:\Program Files\Vodia Networks\Vodia PBX or C:\Program Files\pbxnsip\pbx

or in linux usr/local/pbx or usr/local/pbx


3rd you will have to rename your Pbxnsip or snomONE executable which is pbxctrl.exe and name it temp_pbxctrl.exe after you rename the file you can now rename your new executable and dat file.


pbxctrl-v5.2.4-32.exe to pbxctrl.exe and pbxctrl-5.2.4.dat pbxctrl.dat after you have rename your files restart the pbx service.

To activate version 5 check this link. wiki.vodia.com/index.php?title=Licensing



<update-list version="5.2.4">
<delete name="pbxctrl-old"/>
<file name="pbxctrl.dat" hash="" link="http://vodia.com/downloads/pbx/pbxctrl-5.2.4.dat"/>
<file name="pbxctrl.exe" type="executable" os="Win32" hash="" link="http://vodia.com/downloads/pbx/win32/pbxctrl-v5.2.4-32.exe" rename="pbxctrl-old"/>
<file name="pbxctrl.exe" type="executable" os="Win64" hash="" link="http://vodia.com/downloads/pbx/win64/pbxctrl-v5.2.4-64.exe" rename="pbxctrl-old"/>
<file name="pbxctrl" type="executable" os="CentOS32" hash="" link="http://vodia.com/downloads/pbx/centos32/pbxctrl-centos32-5.2.4" rename="pbxctrl-old"/>
<file name="pbxctrl" type="executable" os="CentOS64" hash="" link="http://vodia.com/downloads/pbx/centos64/pbxctrl-centos64-5.2.4" rename="pbxctrl-old"/>
<file name="pbxctrl" type="executable" os="Debian32" hash="" link="http://vodia.com/downloads/pbx/debian32/pbxctrl-debian32-5.2.4" rename="pbxctrl-old"/>
<file name="pbxctrl" type="executable" os="Debian64" hash="" link="http://vodia.com/downloads/pbx/debian64/pbxctrl-debian64-5.2.4" rename="pbxctrl-old"/>
<file name="pbxctrl" type="executable" os="snom ONE mini" hash="" link="http://vodia.com/downloads/pbx/mini/pbxctrl-mini-5.2.4" rename="pbxctrl-old"/>
<file name="pbxctrl" type="executable" os="Vodia mini PBX" hash="" link="http://vodia.com/downloads/pbx/mini2/pbxctrl-mini2-5.2.4" rename="pbxctrl-old"/>
<file name="pbxctrl" type="executable" os="MacOS" hash="" link="http://vodia.com/downloads/pbx/macos/pbxctrl-darwin10-5.2.4" rename="pbxctrl-old"/>
<file name="pbxctrl" type="executable" os="PowerMac" hash="" link="http://vodia.com/downloads/pbx/macos/pbxctrl-ppc-5.2.4" rename="pbxctrl-old"/>
<file name="pbxctrl" type="executable" os="FreeBSD" hash="" link="http://vodia.com/downloads/pbx/freebsd64/pbxctrl-freebsd64-5.2.4" rename="pbxctrl-old"/>
<file name="audio_moh/bi_ced.wav" hash="" link="http://vodia.com/downloads/pbx/audio/audio_moh/bi_ced.wav"/>
<file name="audio_en/aa_offer_cellphone.wav" hash="" link="http://vodia.com/downloads/pbx/audio/audio_en/aa_offer_cellphone.wav"/>
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