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this extension number does not exist


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Hi All,



Have a issue with my auto attendant, when i press a valid extension then the pbx will say "this extension number does not exist" , Its happens only the extension which start with 9. Other extensions's have no issue.


So let me know is it any default security settings ? Why issue only with the extensions which are start with 9 ?


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  • 7 months later...

The reason that your "dial by extension" is not working is that the AutoAttendant is part of CUE. If CUE does not recognize or know about that extension, the call will fail. Normally, the cause for this is that the extension you are trying to dial does not have a Voicemail box. Without a Voicemail box, the extension will not exist in the CUE configuration, even though it exists in the CME configuration.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So Vodia should fix that. CUE should know about all extensions by default, whether there is voicemail box setup or not.


I have lots of extensions where I don't have Voicemail boxes setup on purpose. So by not having voicemail boxes setup on those extensions, those extensions are not available ? Yeah, Definitely borked. Please fix.


A workaround that might work is to setup voicemail box, then set to announcement only mode, and then upload an announcement that says " We're sorry, no one is available right now. Please call back and try another extension".



By the way, is there a recording already in the system for " We're sorry, no one is available right now. Please call back and try another extension" ?

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See, we didn't know that. So as I understand it,

When the autoattendant tries an extension starting with a 9 that doesn't have a voicemail setup, it is saying "this extension number does not exist", even though the extension does exist.
You're saying that the autoattendant should apply the rules for when the extension is not available...
so if there isn't anything setup for when the extension is not available, the autoattendant is correctly reporting that "this extension number does not exist" ?
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