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Jeremy Isherwood

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Posts posted by Jeremy Isherwood

  1. I have three M9 phones in three separate locations, all going back to the same SnomONE, a few weeks ago two stopped registering with the SnomONE, the local one works fine but the two satellite ones will not register any identity.


    I have asked my ISP if they have any port blocking on and they have asked what port numbers are being used. Can anybody help?


    In the satellite offices we have Snom 870's working fine, its just the M9's that don't.


    Thanks for looking



  2. Would you know where I could get a full system restore for a snom one SoHo?


    The admin :81 webpages are currupt and it just gives me an error:


    --> --> -->
    <class 'lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError'>
    Python 2.6.6: /usr/local/bin/python2.6
    Wed Mar 12 17:56:15 2014
    A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in
    the order they occurred.
    /var/www/index.py in ()
    /var/www/admin/modules/so_lxmlproc.py in __init__(self=<admin.modules.so_globals.soGlobals
    instance>, path='/var/www/admin/confs/globals.xml')
    /var/www/lxml.etree.pyx in lxml.etree.parse (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:54330)()
    /var/www/parser.pxi in lxml.etree._parseDocument (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:79154)()
    /var/www/parser.pxi in lxml.etree._parseDocumentFromURL (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:79437)()
    /var/www/parser.pxi in lxml.etree._parseDocFromFile (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:78518)()
    /var/www/parser.pxi in lxml.etree._BaseParser._parseDocFromFile (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:75402)()
    /var/www/parser.pxi in lxml.etree._ParserContext._handleParseResultDoc
    /var/www/parser.pxi in lxml.etree._handleParseResult (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:72340)()
    /var/www/parser.pxi in lxml.etree._raiseParseError (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:71683)()
    <class 'lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError'>: Document is empty, line 1, column 1
    args = (u'Document is empty, line 1, column 1',)
    code = 4
    error_log = /var/www/admin/confs/globals.xml:1:1:FATAL:PARSE...DOCUMENT_EMPTY:
    Start tag expected, '<' not found
    filename = None
    lineno = None
    message = u'Document is empty, line 1, column 1'
    msg = u'Document is empty, line 1, column 1'
    offset = None
    position = (1, 1)
    print_file_and_line = None
    text = None

  3. Dont have aby problems mounting the drive, works fine.


    The issue is keeping the symbolic link after a reboot.


    Is it possible to just change the location within the Snom application for recordings to say "/media/usb0/recordings" instead of using a symbolic link. The problem is the memory on the SoHo is just so small.

  4. Thanks, looks like my recording were switched on and the folder /usr/local/snomONE/recordings used 45% of file system.


    Ive hooked up a 1TB USB disk and added a symbolic link to store the recordings there.


    ln -s /media/usb0/recordings /usr/local/snomONE/recordings


    worked a treat. Just need to find a way to make it permanent :S

  5. Has anybody any experience with integration with CRM.


    I have read that my CRM can connect to astrix based systems, but can't see how my Snom ONE can?


    This is from my CRM setup information.


    "PBX systems that are connected to the internet, especially if they are based on Asterisk, will have the ability to run scripts within their call flow. This opens the possibility of integrating phone systems with X2Engine. The action api/voip, which does not require authentication, is the most basic way of doing so where all that is necessary is to notify sales reps when a contact is calling. This gives the rep a window of few seconds (depending on the dialplan, and if the caller is typing in someone's extension directly) to get ready to receive the call when it finally reaches them. It creates notifications for all users (if assigned to "Anyone"), an activity feed event, and if the contact is assigned to someone, it opens a new window with the record on screen in that rep's web browser.

    To use it, make a GET request to index.php/api/voip/data/{phone number}, where {phone number} is the caller ID (without spaces, parentheses or dashes) calling in. Note, it may yield better results if the country code is ommitted; the search for contacts is based on serialized phone numbers but also returns the first partial match. So, as long as the data parameter is a unique part of a phone number, it won't match the incorrect contact record."

    Thanks for looking.

  6. Does anybody have a copy of the Snom ONE SOHO software; I have been running V4.3 and need to update.


    I have looked all over the web and cant find one.


    I dont want to move to V5.XX as it require to purchase a new license.


    I'm looking for the last stable release before V5.


    Thanks in advance if you can help.

  7. Yes I have, but just needed confirmation that it was only the port numbers listed there that were at fault.


    As it turns out, my supplier here in the UK (Spitfire) own software was not allowing the open ports I requested, in fact their system would automatically close the ports even through they opened them. I had been working all day today with their support.


    So tomorrow they are giving me the login details to open the ports and I will see if this changes my no audio problem.


    Thanks for your understanding in my numerous posts.

  8. Oh hold on, it said that because your link had a .


    I can see the page now, but it does not give me any details of the actual port numbers I need to open on my routers...

  9. Thanks but the page has no content. it just says:


    There is currently no text in this page. You can search for this page title in other pages, or search the related logs.


    do you have any other information?

  10. I have the same fault;


    I have remote users, who did connect to the pbx via a vpn, but since moving to an external wan address i have no audio on either in or out going calls.

  11. If you have problems with the quality, most likely you simply don't have enough bandwidth. Keep in mind that there is upstream bandwidth and downstream bandwidth. While the upstream can be relatively easily be controlled by you and you equipment, the downstream can only be controlled indirectly by you (AKA traffic shaping). If you hear packet drops, it is most likely the downstream. Some people just get a 2nd DLS line to deal with the problem and use the 2nd line exclusively for VoIP traffic.


    Thanks, thats what I have, one ADSL for data and the other for VOIP.


    But not sure best way to set up. How can I tell if I have any traffic on the VOIP ADSL?

  12. This is my problem;


    I have currently a working SnomONE, with 4 Snom 8XX phones, and a couple of Patton gateways. The network runs over a Cisco SG200-26P PoE so I get power to the phones. I have two routers, a Draytek and an ADSL from Spitfire for the SIP trunks. The quality of call depends on what amount of traffic is on the network and if people are using the internet.


    I ordered the Spitfire ADSL to solve the issue, but for the life of me can't get it to work.


    Has anybody set up a small voip system with a cisco switch and could you point me in the right direction.


    Currently I have the Draytek as the DHCP server on

    The Spitfire is using and should be routing the voip traffic, its not. Spitfire support suggest plugging the phone into the back of their router...... But that can't be right.


    I know it's something to do with VLAN's and the like but don't know how to set it all up.


    I guess I should have all the data traffic on 192.168.20.x and voip on 10.0.0.x


    If you can help or point me in the right direction I would be grateful

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