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Stephen Niemand

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Posts posted by Stephen Niemand

  1. I would use instead. You mentioned that there is only 1 extension. But how many registrations on this extension? If there are more than 1 registered phone, can you force them to have only 1 registration and then verify that you see the problem? (There is setting under Admin->settings page "Max. number of concurrent registrations per extension:")


    This spesific user only has one phone so there is only one regisration. I can also not set the max registration to one as there is client with 2 or more phones per line.

  2. That really weird. Even the duration, durationHHMMSS does not seem to make too much sense. We will take a look at it.



    If there is anything else you need to know please ask and I shall give.

  3. Hi


    Hope you can help me?


    We have about 500 ext on PBXnSIP (version 3.3). We upgraded from ver 2.X to 3.2 on the 23 Jan 2009. Since the upgrade we had major CPU usage problems with we sorted out, with your help.

    The problem we have now is as follows:


    We log the XML cdr's to a Microsoft DB, which work fine.

    We have calls that overlap each other, eg. a call started the ‘21 February 2009 02:14:24 PM’ the duration was ‘547’ seconds.

    The next call started ‘21 February 2009 02:16:24 PM’ the duration was ‘72’ seconds.

    This is not possible as the client only has one extension with us.


    Here is the XML file for the two calls:


    Here is the first call

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:sns="http://soap.com/pbx">







    <From>"Hugh McCabe" <sip:0878055243@phone.yslzone.net></From>























    This is the second call

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:sns="http://soap.com/pbx">







    <From>"Hugh McCabe" <sip:0878055243@phone.yslzone.net></From>






















    This two XML files come directly from PBXnSIP. Please can you help?

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