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Posts posted by Rodolphe

  1. exactly


    after more tests, the best request i found was :


    SELECT * FROM `cdr` WHERE trunkid > 0 and extension = ''


    and i have to look after "remoteparty" field to know for Outbound Call the callee and for Inbound Call the caller


    If during the call, there was a lot of : hold, transfer, *52 for cellphone, etc... the results will be the summary of the call but the "from" and "to" field will be not correct afterall, so i check the "remoteparty".


    In case of call in huntgroup or ivr node, with this request, il will not know which extension pick up the phone. In these cases, i have to do another request to have more detail.


    What do you think about all this ???


    i'll continue my tests and let you know if i'm good ;):P


    Thx for your answers



  2. Indeed, the result seems correct


    but all call to cellphone when you have your cellphone in "Accounts / Redirection / Cell Phone Number" and "Include the cell phone in calls to extension" is set to "Immediatly" are recorded.


    I have to find a better request :angry:


    Thx for your help

  3. if i select entries like this :


    SELECT * FROM `cdr` WHERE trunkname <> ''


    and when i have two entries with same "primarycallid" i only keep the entrie where "primarycallid" = "callid" (in case of cellphone call)


    should i be good ? :huh:

  4. thx for your reply


    so what the difference between "primarycallid" and "callid" ? because for one call, there are 3 entries with the same "primarycallid" but 3 different "callid", and sometimes primarycallid = callid.


    If i check where trunk is not empty i could have 2 entries, one with type O and one with type I


    but i think it will be when snomONE call cellphone extension (type O)


    hard to do script in this condition :wacko:

  5. Hello,

    I just tested the implementation of CDRs in a MySQL database via PHP script available here: http://wiki.pbxnsip.com/index.php?title=JSON_CDR and everything works well. Each call is recorded in the database.
    But I have trouble reading the data and understand them.
    Indeed, for one call there may be three entries and the type is both O and I
    My goal is to make a script statistics (number of incoming calls, number of outgoing calls, average length, etc ...), can you help me to understand these values ​​and how to use them.
    Thank you.
  6. mmm... It look like a bug... Rate was set up for Trunk and Extensions. When removed, everything got back to normal... Can you investigate?


    the quick fix was to disable rate and account balance...




    FYI, by dint of searching and reinstall my snomONE I found why the callback function was not proposed in the Personal Virtual Assistant.


    Indeed, for this option to be proposed in the Personal Virtual Assistant, it is essential that a "Calling Card" account is present in the system (leave the default options). If this service does not exist then it will only offer 3 choices (outbound call, mailbox, Auto Attendant).


    More, to change the Personal Virtual Assistant language in French, you have to select language French in the "Web Language" and not the "IVR Language" (I do not know why ) for the extension parameters (or domain default parameters).


    No logic in it but hey it works!


    Tested on version 4 and 5


    Sorry for my english (google translate) cause i'm french





  7. Hello,


    maybe I'm just to stupid, but I can't find the answer on my own :-(

    I've enabled the personal virtual assistant for one extension and entered the cell phone number. After calling the extension -0 from my cell phone I reached by personal virtual assistant which offers me the following two options:


    1: make an outgoing call

    2: go to the auto attended


    Since I've disabled by mailbox this feature is not offered, but how do I enable the feature to receive a callback?

    I already thought this might only be available with an active mailbox, but after I enabled the mailbox I just got 3 options:


    1: make an ouztgoing call

    2: go to mailbox

    3: go to the auto attended


    Could someone please explain how to enable the callback feature?


    Version: pbxctrl-debian4.0-2011-




    FYI, by dint of searching and reinstall my snomONE I found why the callback function was not proposed in the Personal Virtual Assistant.


    Indeed, for this option to be proposed in the Personal Virtual Assistant, it is essential that a "Calling Card" account is present in the system (leave the default options). If this service does not exist then it will only offer 3 choices (outbound call, mailbox, Auto Attendant).


    More, to change the Personal Virtual Assistant language in French, you have to select language French in the "Web Language" and not the "IVR Language" (I do not know why :blink::angry: ) for the extension parameters (or domain default parameters).


    No logic in it but hey it works!


    Tested on version 4 and 5


    Sorry for my english (google translate) cause i'm french :P





  8. Salut,


    moi aussi j'ai le même problème, je suis en version Free en v4.5.0.1075 sur une Debian.


    J'ai un snomONE Office sur la même version et sur celui-ci ça marche. J'ai mis à jour en version v4.5.0.1090 mais toujours pas le choix du Callback en 2. J'ai même désinstallé complètement mon snomONE de ma Debian et réinstallé en laissant tout par défaut et rien y fait. Pourtant sur une version 5.03 cela marche bien.


    Et je suis pourtant sûr que cela marchait avant.








    pour info, à force de chercher et de réinstaller mon snomONE j'ai trouvé pourquoi la fonction Callback n'était plus proposée dans le Personal Virtual Assistant.


    Pour rappel le Personal Virtual Assistant est le menu proposé lorsque l'on appelle un Auto Attendant (Standard Automatique) de l'extérieur avec son GSM qui lui est référencé dans l'onglet "Redirection" de l'extension.


    En effet, pour que cette option soit proposée dans le Personal Virtual Assistant, il faut absolument qu'un service (account) "Calling Card" soit présent dans le système (laisser les options par défaut), si ce service n'existe pas alors il ne proposera que 3 choix (outbound call, mailbox, auto attendant).


    De plus pour avoir le Personal Virtual Assistant en français il faut sélectionner pour l'extension concernée la langue FR dans le champ "Web Language" et non pas dans le champ "IVR Language" (pourquoi je ne sais pas :angry::blink: ).


    Rien de logique dans tout cela mais bon ça marche !


    Ce problème et par conséquent cette solution concerne autant les versions en v4 et v5 (testé sur les deux).





  9. Bonjour


    J'ai installer un snom free, et j'essaye de faire fonctionne l'option callback, mais sans succès.

    J'ai bien mis un trunk ki renvoie sur une extension, dans l'extension j'ai bien rajouter mon n° de portable dans le champs "Cell phone number".

    quand j'appel à partir de mon portable vers le N° du trunk, ca sonne mais je n'ai pas la petite voix pour le message du callback.


    Avez-vous une idée ?






    moi aussi j'ai le même problème, je suis en version Free en v4.5.0.1075 sur une Debian.


    J'ai un snomONE Office sur la même version et sur celui-ci ça marche. J'ai mis à jour en version v4.5.0.1090 mais toujours pas le choix du Callback en 2. J'ai même désinstallé complètement mon snomONE de ma Debian et réinstallé en laissant tout par défaut et rien y fait. Pourtant sur une version 5.03 cela marche bien.


    Et je suis pourtant sûr que cela marchait avant.





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