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Posts posted by blair

  1. Hi All,


    I'm hoping someone can help me. I may be being dense on the telco stuff as i'm IT by trade but have been trying many different options to get pbxnsip to behave the way I would like for interoffice trunks.


    A little background...We are currently running two pbxnsip servers with both linked to OCS mediation servers, Pbxnsip presently is being used as a gateway to our SIP tsp services, registration and routing to international (internet based) VOIP services and to give OCS some of the normal phone system features not currently built in to the Microsoft product.


    Here are the details...


    One server is based in Melbourne, one in Sydney, in our normal dial plans we have no issues with standard interoffice routing, however we are looking to introduce least cost routing across our WAN as a basline before we roll this out to our Seattle, Brisbane and Adelaide offices.


    Current standard dial plans - work fine

    -dial plan to trunk all calls from Melbourne server to Sydney office based extensions via Sydney trunk

    -dial plan to trunk all calls from Sydney server to Melbourne office based extensions via Melbourne trunk


    proposed - least cost routing

    -dial plan to send all calls from Melbourne based server to Sydney based numbers via Sydney trunk and then outbound via Sydney tsp.

    -dial plan to send all calls from Sydney based server to Melbourne based numbers via Melbourne pbxnsip server and then outbound via Sydney tsp.


    Ok, basically the issue is, when I configure the proposed configuration I need to configure the "assume that call comes from user" field for local pbxnsip server charging. When I do this, calls from interstate i.e. Sydney to Melbourne and vice versa work fine. However calls to interoffice extensions no longer work (i.e internal call from Melbourne office to Sydney office), the interstate pbsnsip server fails to recognise the call as an internal extension and attempts to route outbound via the dial plan of the assumed user. I have attempted to counteract this by changing the dialplan to "call extension" with appropriate rules but this seems to end in a hung call.


    In summary i would like...

    Melbourne to Sydney intercompany calls via WAN

    Sydney to Melbourne intercompany calls via WAN

    Melbourne to Sydney calls via Sydney pbxnsip server (over WAN) and out via Sydney gateway

    Sydney to Melbourne calls via Melbourne pbxnsip server (over WAN) and out via Melbourne gateway





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