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Posts posted by moe

  1. Hi,


    When calling StartMonitor, which parameters would I need to send in order to get Logical Device Feature Events (ECMA-269 22.2 Events) sent back?


    I'm looking to get the device status changes, similar to when a device SUBSCRIBES to SIP Event packets that NOTIFY of "state" changes in the device.


    Many Thanks!

  2. You can set the log level to 8 and turn on the "Log IVR events", you will see some more information.


    Yes and I have:


    [8] 2011/04/08 12:22:15: CSTA: StartApplicaitonSession Request from @, App id=My App, invoke id=�, timeout=300

    [5] 2011/04/08 12:22:15: CSTA: StartApplicaitonSession Request failed for @, App id=My App, invoke id=�, timeout=300

    [8] 2011/04/08 12:22:20: Packet authenticated by transport layer

    [8] 2011/04/08 12:22:23: Last message repeated 3 times


    It could be the that userName or password or domain in the SessionLoginInfo is not correct.


    I am using the System Administrator login for SessionLoginInfo.


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <StartApplicationSession xmlns="http://www.ecma-international.org/standards/ecma-354/appl_session/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
       <applicationID>My App</applicationID>


    What are you using to connect to the PBX?


    I am using TCP without SOAP as described in ECMA 323, Annex J.2


    Many Thanks!

  3. Thank you for your fast response.


    The PBX uses a TCP connection that transports the CSTA XML. There you have to log in first (via some CSTA message), and then the messages are sent back and forth inside the TCP (or TLS) connection. AFAIK the PBX does not support SOAP CSTA, just the "plain" CSTA.


    Are you saying that we cannot post a service request with SOAP over HTTP, as described in ECMA-323, Annex I - "CSTA XML with SOAP with HTTP"?


    Regarding uaCSTA, in principle the PBX does not use/need that. There are exceptions for example for the redirection indication; but for stuff like calling the PBX just talks plain SIP to the end device.


    Can you explain this just a little more, please? The PBX does not use what exactly?


    Many Thanks!

  4. Hi,


    I was wondering if someone can help me with CSTA delivered event messages.


    Assuming I will be using CSTA XML with SOAP and HTTP Post.


    Assuming multiple end-user desktop applications successfully started an application session and request to start monitoring of events from the PBX.


    Does the PBX send one event message to each end-user application? Or, does it send one single event message to all end-users applications?


    If the PBX sends just one message, how does the end-user application know if it's his event message?


    Many Thanks!

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