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A standard Business Application


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I think this post is close http://forum.pbxnsip.com/index.php?showtopic=769


After reading many posts and listening to client comments I think a well documented method needs to be created to offer client 1 of 3 standard easy to adjust autotattendant modes

1. No Automated but scheduled after hours and Lunch and dynamically flipping the mode of the associated service flags. (self explanatory)

2. Full Automated attendent (self explanatory)

3. Hybrid (see below)


The receptionist is given the first call, (time out then rings more tels or goes to auto) If recept on first call, he/she sees the second call and can choose to place first call on hold and answer #2, otherwise number 2 goes to other phones or auto.


Being able to quickly modify this is the secret, offering and supporting a standard offer will go a long way to minimize support issues and flexibility

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