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Snom 720


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I would like an answer to the following questions :


1. Pbxnsip Version (Win32) supports automatic provisioning of Snom 720 phones ?

2. Is the Snom 720 usb -a type connector working with a standard bluetooth dongle, or are there restrictions ?


Best Regards,


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The 4.3 version does not have templates built in for 7xx phones. But, it is possible to have them working on 4.3, by modifying pnp.xml, snom_3xx_fs.xml, snom_3xx_fw.xml(these files can be modified using Web Page Control section) and creating a new snom720.xml (this file has to be kept under 'html' folder).

Hint: These files are part of 4.5 version, so you can get them from 4.5 installation.

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Hint: These files are part of 4.5 version, so you can get them from 4.5 installation.

Snom One Version, as there is no Pbxnsip update available (Yet?) ...

But we'll give it a try.


You know anything about the type of usb-requirements for bluetooth ?




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