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Everything posted by AlanS

  1. I have thought of that, but I am using one domain for ALL residential. Is there a way to change it per residential extension?
  2. So, a long time ago, you didn't need to dial the area code first. I have a residential customer that is requesting that. How do I do this? In the dialplan? I looked through the docs, but didn't find anything where I could replace the first digits with the users local area code. Thanks!
  3. That's exactly what I have been doing actually. I just leave console open and examine the network tab for any api calls I want to replicate.
  4. Incase google leads anyone here... The guide is outdated. You have to update the firmware on it first. Then the new dial home is the new GDMS is updated. Once you have that, add the device to the GDMS. Set the provision URL to yourpbx.yourdomina.com/prov in the devices parameter templates. Then in vodia, add the device to the extension and open it for provisioning. Done.
  5. I am running a residential domain. Are there any options I can set to disable the extension due non payment? Maybe creating a group with no perms. Will that work?
  6. Beautiful. Thanks. FYI, this isn't in the rest api documentation!
  7. Same exact problem here, I just keep forgetting to put a ticket in. I can't even get it off speaker, no matte how times I press it. google pixel 5 4.0.16 Doesn't this use capacitor? I would assume android models are irrelevant since it uses chromium.
  8. So, I am trying to auto attach a device during extension creation through the API. There is a "mac" parameter, but there are there vendor and model parameters? Thanks!
  9. So, even though ani is an array, ani[0] will always be what was used as the outbound ani?
  10. Good morning gents! I am wondering whats the difference between ANI and EANI? I setup an action url for when a trunk call is made. I am sending it [to, from, domain]. Since none of those show what actual ANI is used for the call, I made a call to /domains to get all the users. Then I find the user that made the call. I consoled the user and saw ani and eani. But since these are both arrays, which one is used for the primary ani? Thanks!
  11. Thank you for your reply. Please re-read above.
  12. That has been deprecated. You can't send user:pass in a ws header. The server only accepts wss I believe too. I also can not use the third party login documentation. The /rest endpoints all have CORS enabled. Which only leaves me the option to use me backend (node). But that's only the backend. I have 0 problems consuming the vodia API in the backend. I can't set a cookie "session=sessionId" across domains. So using the session cookie is not an option. I tried to use an iframe and set it to hidden. Then I make a call to the backend. I get a session id and then send the session id to /rest/system/session - name:'session', value:sessionId all from the backend. When it returns true, then I set the iframe src to https://pbx.com/welcome?session=sessionId and nothing happens. It doesn't auto login. I have the cookie from the pbx domain, but its a cross domain cookie. So the WebSocket library will not send cross domain cookies. There needs to be a clientSecret, or websocketSecret or something like that setup on vodias end. Something we generate in the admin panel. Then we can use socket.io-client to consume the vodia websockets by passing the auth in the handshake.query options. There is currently no available option to use websockets and would LOVE to see a real example of this working. Because as it is now, it is impossible to use cross domain cookies.
  13. Nope. I set the cookie, session = token, and no dice. Should I open a support ticket?
  14. Ah you know what. I think the websocket server is checking the requests cookies for session. Trying that now.
  15. Well, from past experience with the native WebSocket library, You can't send user:pass in the url with WSS. Do you have a js template with this working? I read this guide here: https://doc.vodia.com/docs/websocket But, you can't attach any headers to the native WebSocket library. So I can't add Authorization: 'Basic token'.
  16. By basic auth, do you mean wss://user:password@domain.com/websocket? And by "host" you mean, wss://user:password@host.com/websocket?domain=host ?
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