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SIP Routing in v3


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Has the SIP IP Replacement list and IP Routing List been improved in v3 f/w?

I can see in your release notes it says that "The SIP routing subsystem was improved. Especially in cases when the system was using advanced routing mechanisms like IP tables, the old way could lead to wrong IP addresses", has this issue been resolved in the new f/w?

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Has the SIP IP Replacement list and IP Routing List been improved in v3 f/w?

I can see in your release notes it says that "The SIP routing subsystem was improved. Especially in cases when the system was using advanced routing mechanisms like IP tables, the old way could lead to wrong IP addresses", has this issue been resolved in the new f/w?


No, thoso two lists have not been touched. What has been touched is the way the PBX looks at the OS to find out which interface should be used for sending a request. Especially in Linux and BSD (VPN and ipchains!) that could cause problems.


Those two lists are evil anyway. I regret that we added them. It is just a support nightmare - if a customer does not have a public IP address, the ITSP must have either offer a SBC or they must have a public IP address. Period. Everything else is crazy with support and troubleshooting. Frustrating for every one.


One nice day hopefully we laugh about it and just use IPv6.

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