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Using * with Auto Attendant

Bill H

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When I call into our system and I am answered by our Auto Attendant if I press * or # it just sits there.


I entered the * and the # in the Direct Destinations area of the Auto Attendant Account and it still did not work.


Is there a solution?

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When I call into our system and I am answered by our Auto Attendant if I press * or # it just sits there.


I entered the * and the # in the Direct Destinations area of the Auto Attendant Account and it still did not work.


* generally means "clean up the input". So when you press it, the PBX thinks that you know what you are doing an stops talking to you.


# is usually "enter". If there is no input, there is nothing to enter. Okay, obviously in that case the user does obviously not know what he is exactly doing so the PBX should be talking something.


If you want to really call a star code, you can do that from the mailbox main menu. There you are "logged in" as your extension and there is no authentication problem.

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