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PNP with Polycom Conference unit


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Hi guys,


Upgraded a customer to the latest and greatest and using the new PnP stuff, had a few issues with the phones. Got all these sorted now, but having a problem with the SoundStation IP 4000 conference unit. Basically, the setup is :


Head office, phones using TFTP and MAC addresses to auth (trusted option ticked)

Branch office, over VPN, phones using HTTP with usernames/passwords set on phones


This works, however when it comes to the conference spider, setup with HTTP at the branch office, it hangs on boot. Looking at the wireshark trace, I can see the following :


GET /2201-06642-001.bootrom.ld


to which the PBX replies with a 302, redirecting the to login page. Which the phone asks for, to which the PBX replies with the 302 to the login page. Which the phone asks for... and so on, and the phone hangs.


The phones also do this, but instead of a 302, get a 404 (correctly). The only difference I can see is in the GET from the conference unit, it passes it's user agent as


FileTransport PolycomSoundStationIP-SPIP_4000-UA/


whereas the phones send


FileTransport PolycomSoundPointIP-SPIP_650-UA/


Is the PBX seeing the SoundStation bit and not recognising it as a provisioning request and therefore redirecting to the login page?


Is this something we can solve by adding a line to the pnp.xml (does it still exist for the new PnP stuff?) or is there something else amiss?


I have the full pcaps if you want to have a look.



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Customer is getting a bit annoyed now at not being able to us their conference phone, when previously they were!




We have tried with SoundPoint 7000 and it seem to work fine with PnP. But this seems to use different sip.ld (firmware files) than other Polycoms phones. Is it possible to plug this phone in the main office and see whether you still have the issue? That way we can verify this is a login issue not the firmware issue.

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We have tried with SoundPoint 7000 and it seem to work fine with PnP. But this seems to use different sip.ld (firmware files) than other Polycoms phones. Is it possible to plug this phone in the main office and see whether you still have the issue? That way we can verify this is a login issue not the firmware issue.


The firmware will be the same version, as we don't use the individual sip.ld's, we use a single large sip.ld with all the separate phone versions in - phones provision a bit slower initially, but it's easier to maintain.


We'll move the phone to the main office and try it there - I would expect it to work over TFTP, but can't see why HTTP would work any differently depending on where it is? And if we provision with TFTP, we'll have to swap it back to HTTP when it goes back out to the remote site, and the same thing will happen again?

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