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Snom 360 with pbxnsip on TELES


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Hi all,


we are using snom 360 with Applikationsversion: snom360-SIP 6.5.10 and Teles with pbxnsip in our branch offices.


We see some problems with connections where one side is not hering the other.

I have seen some of this errors addressed in this portal with the result of upgrading to pbxnsip 2xx.


My question: Is this posible on Teles or is there a other solution?


thanks in advanced



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There are images available for the Teles box that run 2.x. The upgrade should be relatively easy, once you are ablt to figure out how to put a new image there.


My suggestion is to wait until 2.1 is out and then upgrade to that version (we will include the NetBSD build for 2.1 as well). Should not be too long until then.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Wim van Ommen
There are images available for the Teles box that run 2.x. The upgrade should be relatively easy, once you are ablt to figure out how to put a new image there.


My suggestion is to wait until 2.1 is out and then upgrade to that version (we will include the NetBSD build for 2.1 as well). Should not be too long until then.

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Guest Wim van Ommen

Sorry about the post above ;-) I forgot to put in text, I'm trying to do the same thing that is mentioned above.

I have the latest iPBX version I could get and stil get one way audio when I connect via a VPN, when I connect directly to the real external IP of my Teles box I get no audio at all.

I've tested it with several phones including a SNOM and a normal X-Lite.

Any ideas on solving this are most welcom.

I tried a demo version of the windows version of pbxnsip on a windows machine while using the Teles just as s gateway and that does work via VPN.

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How do you connect via VPN? You mean you have a VPN client running on the Teles box? Whow, I did not know that was possible!


What you can try to do is going to the web interface of the PBX and check the system status. Reading that status actually refreshed the IP configuration cache. There you can see what IP addresses the PBX found on the system. Is this what it should be?

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Guest Wim van Ommen

No I have a VPN via a router at home to the firewall at the office, the Teles is part of the office network and has the right static routes to access my home network.

So the VPN had nothing to do with the Teles box itself.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Wim van Ommen

I have a static route set on the Teles to my home network, why would the PBX not handle that?

Anyway when I register from the WAN i get no way audio even thought the default gateway of the PBX is to the outside world

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