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Trunk Failover not problem


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We have two SIP registration trunk setup to two different service providers and both trunks are registered to service provider. The failover behaviour on both trunks is configured to "on all error codes". The dial plan is configured with first preference to trunk A and then same dial plan number to second preference to trunk B.


Now if the Trunk A registration fails then snomONE trunk status shows "408 request timed out". At this state if any user makes a call, the call is not redirected to Trunk B as trunk A is in failed state. We have seen that the snomONE is still trying to route the call only to the failed trunk. It never tries to re-route the same call to the other trunk.


Why does the PBX try routing call to a trunk that is in failed state? How do we setup the server to try route call to trunk B when A is in failed state?


Is it possible to first route the call to trunk A and wait for a while (few seconds) and if no response is received from far end then re-route a new Invite to trunk B?




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