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Reboot of the SnomOne plus


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I have installed a new SnomOne plus (blue) and I see that when I try to do a reboot of the device from the webinterface (webmin hardware interface for the snomOne plus ) then he start the shutdown be he never restart. I must remove the electrical plug to correctly restart them.


one more question, if I ask for a restart of the snom one application, so not from the admin hardware interface for snomone plus, but from usual pbx interface, he also do a complet reboot of the PBX (at lest it seems) ?





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This is a known issue with the snom ONE plus, there is currently a bug with the Intel chipset that can result in failed reboots. The current work around has been adapted into the reboot appliance in the admin console. However this can fail sometimes a more permanent solution is been looked into.

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