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SNOM 821 Provisioned - Screen Questions

Jack Russell Racing

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Our company is still somewhat new to SNOM One (we are ex patriots from 3CX). I have to admit, I do not understand the 821 screens, and how to use them. These two shots are from my 821 phone that auto-provisioned from SNOM One (firmware is 821-8.4.31. We are not on the .32 firmware because of BLF bugs).


So.. picture #1 (below)... what is it indicating to me? And why is the layout so wonky when our BLF buttons are supposed to be over on the right side (red LEDs)



Picture #2, the overlay (when another person is on a call) is very confusing to see through the transparency. Is this normal?


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Guest madigan

Picture #1:

This screen is showing the virtual keys which are supposed to provide more detailed information about the state of monitored extensions for example. (Plus it enables you to monitor 12 extensions instead of only four when using the LEDs.)


You can easily disable this feature by turning off Go to virtual Keys on Activity. This can be done either using the phone WEB gui or through provisioning.

For the latter you would need to include the following line to your provisioning file:

<goto_virtual_keys_state_on_activity perm="">off</goto_virtual_keys_state_on_activity>


Picture #2:

The so called Line Info Layer can also be disabled by setting this to off.

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