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Vodia PBX

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Posts posted by Vodia PBX

  1. Sure. There are currently three things: 1. Enable the TAPI service provider to show incoming calls 2. Use AJAX or something else to refresh the calls in the web interface whenever something changes 3. Have a native Windows application displaying buttons like on a hard phone.


    IMHO 2. looks like easiest way at the moment and it would also enable a lot of potential other things. Once the PBX has a way to tell the web browser "hey there is something" we can do a lot of interesting things.


    Opinions, hints?

  2. Well, well...


    QoS could be reasonable with layer 3 tags. But he is right, practically nobody is doing that today. That's what the PPT speaks about having a 2nd DSL line and use that one only for VoIP - QoS by having physically seperated lines. Seems the router industry still has a long way to go. Until then, pragmatic solutions will make it happen!

  3. I heared some time ago that receptionist with a lot of calls associate calls with colors. They mark a key with a color. I thought that was an interesting idea.


    A less stressing method is to use a ACD for the receptionist. Then he or she can process the calls one by one, and the PBX can even say the initial greeting "welcome to company xy, you are talking to abc".

  4. The transfer is a attended transfer: A call comes into the main number, put on hold, then transfered to voicemail by pressing 8+the extension.


    Okay, for attended transfer we can reprocude the problem. Will be fixed in 2.1.1. Interestingly, an attended transfer into conference also did not work (which really makes sense as the user can enter the PIN code for the transferred party).


    Workaround: blind transfer works. After the call is connected, press the Xfer button, then 8+ext, then Xfer again.

  5. Internal calls do not run through the dial plan.


    If there is a huge delay that usualy points to problem in the routing. Sometimes the SIP requests take a long way out to the Internet and then back through the firewall.


    If you turn the SIP packet logging on you will see more about the routing of the SIP packets and where they come from. That might help to locate the problem.

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