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Frederic Pi

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Everything posted by Frederic Pi

  1. I tried and the system respond : Media error: NotFoundError: Requested device not found or Media error: OverconstrainedError: Constraints could be not satisfied.
  2. Ok it is not yet available on the French store
  3. I confirm that I have tried and I also confirm that the sound is weaker with the vodia application than with bria application or other
  4. I will try this tomorrow but can you tell me which device did you test with is it from an Android Apple phone or only from the webrtc and it is with a webcam ?
  5. I completely agree with what we wrote the different partners we need to be able to differentiate the beta version from the versions and more it goes a lot more information on the fixes that are imported to the beta version in order to be able to make a technical watch much more efficient http://portal.vodia.com/downloads/pbx/version-68.0.5.beta.xml
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