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We Have a ValCom paging Adapter 9970 and then going to a ValCom 9964 Antifeed back eliminator for our paging system.

This is connected to the PBXnSIP server via an Audio Codes Analog to digital converter. In the phone system the page is executed by dialing extension 39 and then it rings through to the ValCom and then over the paging Speakers. We had a few issues early on, like call waiting and all that coming over the paging system as well as an irritating busy signal occasionally....but that has been fixed for a few months now. I do however have another issue that is mostly user error but I want to know my options on how I can minimize the effects. I have a short cut programmed for the paging button....the person pushes it, hears it ring once, then a short tone and they speak and hang up....1 second later it broad casts.. the issue is when they hit the button and hit it again...It puts the extension on hold, and plays hold music over the PA...is there a way to disable that feature just for an extensio? or is there a better way to set up the page button so this cannot happen?

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We Have a ValCom paging Adapter 9970 and then going to a ValCom 9964 Antifeed back eliminator for our paging system.

This is connected to the PBXnSIP server via an Audio Codes Analog to digital converter. In the phone system the page is executed by dialing extension 39 and then it rings through to the ValCom and then over the paging Speakers. We had a few issues early on, like call waiting and all that coming over the paging system as well as an irritating busy signal occasionally....but that has been fixed for a few months now. I do however have another issue that is mostly user error but I want to know my options on how I can minimize the effects. I have a short cut programmed for the paging button....the person pushes it, hears it ring once, then a short tone and they speak and hang up....1 second later it broad casts.. the issue is when they hit the button and hit it again...It puts the extension on hold, and plays hold music over the PA...is there a way to disable that feature just for an extensio? or is there a better way to set up the page button so this cannot happen?


On the PBX, it is not possible right now... Any chance to do that on the phone? What phone are you using?

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