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Voicemail Multiple Cellphone Notification


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Does anyone know of a way to do a cell phone notification to multiple different cell phones? I have a customer that would like to be able to have multiple techs notified if a message is left on their after hours emercency mailbox. I have tried to do a huntgroup of cell phones, however that did not work.

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Does anyone know of a way to do a cell phone notification to multiple different cell phones? I have a customer that would like to be able to have multiple techs notified if a message is left on their after hours emercency mailbox. I have tried to do a huntgroup of cell phones, however that did not work.


What you could do is copy the message to different mailboxes. Check out http://wiki.pbxnsip.com/index.php/Mailbox, there you can see how to copy a message. Though this is not done automatically, someone must manually do the copy.

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It would need to be automatic since this is an afterhours emergency notification mailbox


I would solve this problem by a email-to-SMS mechanism. Most cell phones even support email, which would make things even easier - just attach the voicemail and then those support guys can listen to the VM in alomost real-time in a very convenient way.


The problem with calling the cellphones at the same time would be that practically most installations would run out of PSTN channels when the PBX starts "blasting" out calls. In order to solve this, those calls would have to serialized, and that is not so easy.

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