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MySQL database integration


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Customer is having MySQL 5 database for their office employees. They are planning to integrate the PBXNSIP IVR tree with this. The application is if an employee calls from outside to the office, the IVR tree of PBXNSIP directs the call to the database server. The employee then needs to enter his ID number and password for authentication. He will then get a series of options from the database IVR. For ex: If the employee has to reach the HR department and apply for a leave he will then enter the date for leave application. The HR department will then get an alert from the database server.


The complete employee portal is available in this database server. The administrator will add, modify and delete when required. The PBXNSIP has to integrate to the MySQL server. Will there any any problem/limit by doing this? How many calls can the PBXNSIP IVR handle simultaneously?

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Will there any any problem/limit by doing this? How many calls can the PBXNSIP IVR handle simultaneously?


Apart from the usual resource limitations (number of calls etc), the number of pending transactions is limited to "1". The PBX will send out one SOAP request and wait for the answer. That means the processing of the key input will depend on the speed of the database. But I believe unless you have a absolutely crazy database the response times should be still well below one second, which should be okay for a caller.


http://wiki.pbxnsip.com/index.php/Linking_..._to_an_IVR_Node shows how to do this with PHP, I guess you have already seen it. The mySQL part is missing, though. But there is plenty of resources available on this topic.

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