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can not call from one domain to another


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we are running ver and are having a problem where users from one domain can not call another domain.


our specific config is that the pbxnsip server is behind our sbc/class4 switches which are setup as gateways for the pbxnsip trunks for the domains


so when a user from one tenant calls a user on another tenant the call hits the upstream class4 switch and gets routed back to the pbxnsip server for the second leg of the call


the problems seems to be that if caller-id is not suppressed on the calling side we see an "auth requires" message in the sip logs on the inbound call coming in to the dialed number


so the pbxnsip server sees the ani of the calling party and finds a match for it in it's system wide account database and views the call as an unregistered by that account even though the call is coming in on a trunk as an external call


if the calling party suppresses caller-id then the call works


we have tried using separate trunks for each domain as well as using trunks visible for all domains. same result


so we need to figure out how to make pbxnsip disregard ani matches in system wide accounts for inbound trunk calls


any help would be appreciated



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the problems seems to be that if caller-id is not suppressed on the calling side we see an "auth requires" message in the sip logs on the inbound call coming in to the dialed number


Looks like the PBX believes that the call comes from an extension, not from the carrier.


One way to solve the problem is to take the domain context explicitly out and then route the calls just on DID basis. Which makes sense because usually incoming calls from the switch come from PSTN and then the PBX has to match it to the right domain based on the tel:alias.


That could be done by putting a different domain name into the outbound trunk that sends the call to the switch.


For example, you can set up just one global trunk to the switch that uses the outbound proxy and the domain name of the switch. That global trunk is in a dummy domain that has no accounts. Then incoming calls from the switch get distributed into the right domain based on the DID number (tel:alias). Outbound calls get the ANI (first tel:alias in 2.1) of the calling extension. When a loop from one domain to the other happens, the switch will send the call back to the PBX, the PBX will put that into the dummy domain, then look the DID up and send the call into the right domain.

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