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M3 phone & one way audio


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Just got a M3 set up on a pbx call center 25 and I get one way audio for 30 seconds...always 30 seconds, I have it supporting 2 registerations, one by itself and one with another phone..both registerations will work the same way...It is not always one way, it connects about 33 to 25 % of the time when answered or called.. Not much in the GUI to change on the M3, currently have it registeded to the Pubic Ip Address on the server, but it is on the same lan as the server..?


any ideas?



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Just got a M3 set up on a pbx call center 25 and I get one way audio for 30 seconds...always 30 seconds, I have it supporting 2 registerations, one by itself and one with another phone..both registerations will work the same way...It is not always one way, it connects about 33 to 25 % of the time when answered or called.. Not much in the GUI to change on the M3, currently have it registeded to the Pubic Ip Address on the server, but it is on the same lan as the server..?


What versions of the PBX? What version of the phone?

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Well, surprisingly the PBX advertizes the public IP address but sends it to the private IP address... What is the output of the route command? Maybe there is something wrong for the routing tables.


I gave the unit a public ip and it works now, we have the pbx behind a router, I am using the ip substitution feature on the pbx, should i use the routing feature, when I remove the ip subsititution, the m3 server loses registration, I would like to make this work on our lan with a private address..


also tested it at another place outside of the lan and it passed through the router their as long as I had in the DMZ..phone sounds really good...


: :o

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