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No destination number in CDR when using LNR

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When you make an outbound call using speed dial (ie. *20) or redial ( ie. *66 ), the cdr fields you can collect the destination number from have the *xx code versus the actual destination. Makes it alwfully hard to bill the call. Immediately below is the cdr_format string we are using and three examples, you will notice the toHeader, which is the only place I can see to retrieve the destination number, has *20 and *66, I included one call which actually has the number I manualy dialed, 7451576. Any chance of getting a fix for this??


<cdr_format>Domain{$m}Day{$b}Hour{$B}Date{$w}Direction{$o}type{$v}origTrunk{$x}destTrunk{$y}CLID{$c}FromExt{$F}ToExt{$T}Account{$R}Redirected{$r}ToHeader{$t}FromHeader{$f}Connected{$S}Disconnected{$E}Answered{$C}</cdr_format>{voiphighwayoffice}Day{20080723}Hour{120304}Date{20080723120304}Direction{O}type{extcall}origTrunk{}destTrunk{6134233300}CLID{*20}FromExt{311@voiphighwayoffice}ToExt{}Account{}Redirected{}ToHeader{<sip:*20@voiphighwayoffice;user=phone>}FromHeader{"Darcy" <sip:311@voiphighwayoffice>;tag=fjokizv0ap}Connected{1216828984}Disconnected{1216828991}Answered{}{voiphighwayoffice}Day{20080723}Hour{115800}Date{20080723115800}Direction{O}type{extcall}origTrunk{}destTrunk{6134233300}CLID{*66}FromExt{311@voiphighwayoffice}ToExt{}Account{}Redirected{}ToHeader{<sip:*66@voiphighwayoffice;user=phone>}FromHeader{"Darcy" <sip:311@voiphighwayoffice>;tag=een157a894}Connected{1216828680}Disconnected{1216828692}Answered{1216828690}{voiphighwayoffice}Day{20080723}Hour{115937}Date{20080723115937}Direction{O}type{extcall}origTrunk{}destTrunk{6134233300}CLID{7451576}FromExt{311@voiphighwayoffice}ToExt{}Account{}Redirected{}ToHeader{<sip:7451576@voiphighwayoffice;user=phone>}FromHeader{"Darcy" <sip:311@voiphighwayoffice>;tag=z80h9gdbl9}Connected{1216828777}Disconnected{1216828793}Answered{1216828790}

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When you make an outbound call using speed dial (ie. *20) or redial ( ie. *66 ), the cdr fields you can collect the destination number from have the *xx code versus the actual destination. Makes it alwfully hard to bill the call. Immediately below is the cdr_format string we are using and three examples, you will notice the toHeader, which is the only place I can see to retrieve the destination number, has *20 and *66, I included one call which actually has the number I manualy dialed, 7451576. Any chance of getting a fix for this??


The true destination number is in the Request-URI of the SIP packet. If the billing entity can pull that number out, then things are easy.


Changing the starcodes to the real numbers has only issue: When people are using *00 or domain speed dial entries, then they will learn the numbers. Especially for the cell phones that makes the feature unusable because it exposes those little secrets into the domain.

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The true destination number is in the Request-URI of the SIP packet. If the billing entity can pull that number out, then things are easy.


Changing the starcodes to the real numbers has only issue: When people are using *00 or domain speed dial entries, then they will learn the numbers. Especially for the cell phones that makes the feature unusable because it exposes those little secrets into the domain.



We use the simple cdr format to get the info for billing and call rating. PBXNSIP does not send the Request-URI so I cannot do what you suggest. If there is a way to get it, ie, sustitute the the to message with the request uri, that would do it. I do not have a concern with the people using the *00 codes seeing their destinations since this is a billing related issue and the only person to see it is the domain administrator unless they choose to pass it along.

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We use the simple cdr format to get the info for billing and call rating. PBXNSIP does not send the Request-URI so I cannot do what you suggest. If there is a way to get it, ie, sustitute the the to message with the request uri, that would do it. I do not have a concern with the people using the *00 codes seeing their destinations since this is a billing related issue and the only person to see it is the domain administrator unless they choose to pass it along.


Hmm. Okay, it seems we need to write the cell phone number also into the CDR. The disadvantage is that this number will also be visible to the user, so we probably have to introduce another CDR field that says "classified".

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