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iOS App crashes

Guest Nicolas

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Guest Nicolas

Hello there


I recently tried to install the iOS App for one of our clients. As it seems the download works just fine. But whenever I go on and Scan the QR Code the app freezes. I never really get something on the screen. I have the menu points where I can swap around but the rest of the screen is just blank white. If I do the same with the same extension on an android phone it works perfectly fine. PBX and iOS Version are both as recommended. Any ideas? How can I solve that problem?


Kind regards


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The app probably has problems getting to the PBX. When you generate the QR-code, you should do from a browser that is coming from a similar location like the phone. In other words, if you use "localhost" the phone might have problems finding the PBX. Ideally, you should use a DNS address for the domain that has a certificate. If you have a certificate, make sure that you are using the https scheme for the URL.

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