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Could the web password different from than SIP password?


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Thanks for your reply but I don't think it caused by web auto-filled. 

Let me explain in more detail.

1. I have an IP phone is registered with SIP password.

2. I changed the web password of the extension number.

3. The IP phone is unregistered after a re-register period.

4. The IP Phone can register after using the web password. 

That's my test scenario. Could you help me out this, thanks.

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The other thing to keep in mind is that the PBX keeps the history of the passwords. If the password that you want to set was used before, it will not set it. The history goes back to the last 3 attempts. Please make sure to set a "random" password. This might be confusing. The web front end is supposed to inform you about this, but maybe there was a glitch that this did not work.

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