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Delete digits


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When we dail a 6 digit number I want to delete 3 digits and send the remainig 3 digits to different trunks.


E.g 501110 delete 501 and send 110 to trunk1

501111 delete 501 and send 111 to trunk1


501112 delete 501 and send 112 to trunk2

501113 delete 501 and send 113 to trunk2


501123 delete 501 and send 123 to trunk3




Is this ok for trunk1

Pattern 50111([0-1])* Replacement 11*

and repeat similarly for the rest of the trunks or there is a better way to do it.



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When we dail a 6 digit number I want to delete 3 digits and send the remainig 3 digits to different trunks.


E.g 501110 delete 501 and send 110 to trunk1

501111 delete 501 and send 111 to trunk1

501112 delete 501 and send 112 to trunk2

501113 delete 501 and send 113 to trunk2

501123 delete 501 and send 123 to trunk3


Is this ok for trunk1

Pattern 50111([0-1])* Replacement 11*

and repeat similarly for the rest of the trunks or there is a better way to do it.


I would use pattern 501xxx and no replacement. Or use 501([0-9]{3}), no replacement.

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If I use 501xxx all 501xxx calls will be routed to say trunk1


How to diffrentiate 501110 and 501111 to trunk 1

501112 and 501113 to trunk 2



You can still use ERE. For example 501([0-9]{2}[01]) will match 501xx0 and 501xx1 (and return the last three digits). ERE are very flexible, though not so easy to read.

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