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adding new languages to AA


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hello all


I want to record my own language files in arabic language,

the question is when i want to add the arabic audio folder to the system how i can do this in proper way so it get recognized by the system and to be able to use it in the AA menu


best regards



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Well, you should use a 2-letter code (like us fr se) to identify the language. The language must be also lised in the dict so that it can be shown on the web interface pull down menu. If you tell us what letter code you want to see we can put it into the next release.


And of course it would be great if we can include the files for distribution...


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<language name="en">


<item id="en">English</item>

<item id="de">German</item>

<item id="sp">Spanish</item>

<item id="uk">English (UK)</item>

<item id="fr">French</item>

<item id="ru">Russian</item>

<item id="it">Italian</item>

<item id="cn">Chinese</item>

<item id="dk">Danish</item>

<item id="jp">Japanese</item>

<item id="se">Swedish</item>

... and so on.


See http://wiki.pbxnsip.com/index.php/Localization for more information.

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Well, you should use a 2-letter code (like us fr se) to identify the language. The language must be also lised in the dict so that it can be shown on the web interface pull down menu. If you tell us what letter code you want to see we can put it into the next release.


And of course it would be great if we can include the files for distribution...


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<language name="en">


<item id="en">English</item>

<item id="de">German</item>

<item id="sp">Spanish</item>

<item id="uk">English (UK)</item>

<item id="fr">French</item>

<item id="ru">Russian</item>

<item id="it">Italian</item>

<item id="cn">Chinese</item>

<item id="dk">Danish</item>

<item id="jp">Japanese</item>

<item id="se">Swedish</item>

... and so on.


See http://wiki.pbxnsip.com/index.php/Localization for more information.



thank you for reply


the language i need to add is the arabic language, so my letter would be "ar", as i get from the wiki i can upload my folder into the pbx and then reload the pbx and it will recognize the added language, but as i get from ur reply i should modify a file to add this language to apper in the web interface, which file i should modify to do this, i'm a linux user and i can manage with ssh and vi.


please to correct if there is anything wrong with my idea

thanx in advace

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Well, you need to perform the following steps:

  • Translate the prompts
  • Record the voice prompts
  • Edit the prompts

For the translation, you'll probably need the original texts in English (contact sales at pbxnsip.com offline for this). The recording should be done in a "good" recording studio, and the editing must use exactly the names that the PBX also uses for other languages.


If you want to translate also the web pages, be prepared to several thousand lines of text segments that need to be translated. Email is not so much. In any case, you need a UTF-8 compinant editor that accepts XML.

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