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Security Updates For embedded Linux


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Are any plans in place to allow the embedded OS to get various linux updates? The Apt-Get configuration is configured for a private Debian Mirror. It would also be nice to load a few more diagnostic tools such as IPTRAF, IPFM and perhaps some OS SNMP tools for DISK SPACE or CPU.

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Are any plans in place to allow the embedded OS to get various linux updates? The Apt-Get configuration is configured for a private Debian Mirror. It would also be nice to load a few more diagnostic tools such as IPTRAF, IPFM and perhaps some OS SNMP tools for DISK SPACE or CPU.


We asked the chip vendor for an update, but so far nothing. The biggest problem is the threading library, which cannot deal with threads in different priority queues. We currently have a workaround that could come from the good old Windows 3.1 times, but that eats a lot of CPU power. The other issue is that it would be nice to have a "IPv6Ready" certified kernel. The software is "ready", but the OS also needs to be ready.

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