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Voice Mail Problem

Bill H

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Has anyone experienced a problem with the Voice Mail in the 2.1.0 version?


If I call (*97#) into the VM and change my greeting I get a New Message as soon as I press # to save my greeting.


The same action takes place when I change my Name in the VM. Again I receive a New Message.


When I go to to listen to the New Message it is either empty or I hear the Prompts to record my name.


If you have updated to 2.1.0, please try this and let me (and the Forum) know if you have the same experience.




Bill H

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The PBX probably sends out a MWI whenever there was a message recorded for that account. BTW it also sends out messages from time time time (around one hour) so that lost messages get recovered.


It should not have any negative side effect as the message count does not change and the UA should realize this.

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