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DoS shutting down our PBX

Art King

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Last week we upgraded to 2.0.3 Build 1707 (Win32). Today for no apparent reason the phones stopped working. We turned on debug and found this in the logs:

[3] 2007/09/14 10:02:31: DoS protection: Not accepting more calls

We restarted the PBXnSIP service and an hour later it did the same thing. I see there is a brief comment in the Release Notes for 2.0.3 about Denial of Service being added.


Our PBX is behind our firewall and NAT we don't see any anomolous traffic on our network. Help!

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Last week we upgraded to 2.0.3 Build 1707 (Win32).


Why There is which is the last release and this image likely fixed that DoS issue (I remember that intermediate build had a problem).


There is a global setting called "max_udp_invite" which defaults to 10. If you have more than 10 new calls per second, you might need to increase that value.

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Why There is which is the last release and this image likely fixed that DoS issue (I remember that intermediate build had a problem).


There is a global setting called "max_udp_invite" which defaults to 10. If you have more than 10 new calls per second, you might need to increase that value.

Thank you. I pulled the latest download link from this forum which was 1707. I see on the main download page that 1715 is the latest. I was confused.

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