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Conference recording moderator PIN Issue


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I recently switched to newest release of PBXNSIP ver.4 and I am using scheduled confernce where I have two codes generated by system for Moderator and Participants, this feature was in previous versions already, but from new features I would like to point to options for moderators like:

--A--Entering the confernce:

---1--Start confernce without moderator

---2--Mute all participant untill moderator enters the conference

---3--Mute all untill moderator un-mute the conference



--B--Exiting conference:

---1--Continue the conference

---2--Mute all participants on exit

---3--Hang up the conference on exit


My configuration when I schedule the conference is :

A-2 and B-1 - issue in this configuration I have is when accidently moderator has dropped connection and have to call again to conference room (to activate recording ) let's say after 20 min of call, since he connects again the existing call recording which was already created is overide by new recording with exactly same name as original one !!!!!!!!

shouldn't be like to the previous name the next "version" of recording shoud have added like *v1 *v2 etc. depend how many time moderator was connecting to the same conference bridge ? how to resolve it?


Another question is how setup automatically to be recorded all scheduled conferences without any exceptions so the user don't have to remeber which code needs to be used to activate recording



I had situation when after 5 min user which used moderator PIN was disconnected while there were few participants already and the conference was continued without being recorded for next 50 min


Also would be good option too if I reach the limit of 2 hr recording to be automatically created new audio file with some add-on in file name as continuation of recording

specially if conference is 3 to 5 hr !!!



Please replay ASAP

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The overwriting is really something that we need to fix. I had the same problem some time ago...


The two-hour limit can be solved by making the max call duration of the system longer. Though I think this is a *feature* (two hours in a conference would make me flip).


Recording all conferences automatically would raise the question how to deliver the recording. Those files can get huge, do sending them as email does not seem like a good idea to me.

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The overwriting is really something that we need to fix. I had the same problem some time ago...


The two-hour limit can be solved by making the max call duration of the system longer. Though I think this is a *feature* (two hours in a conference would make me flip).


Recording all conferences automatically would raise the question how to deliver the recording. Those files can get huge, do sending them as email does not seem like a good idea to me.


Regarding the 2 hr conference recording , max call recording shoud at least have the same value as max call duration in this case recording is 2hr and duration is 8hr


As I know delivering the recording is only to user web account page not to e-mail if conference recording is set , so I think this shouldn't be an issue cause user can listen the recording online

and if conference would be longer than 2hr maybe recording split will be the way to do it like :





and each file would have max 2hr duration this will eliminate huge files delivery problem

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