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Summary of the service flag (my understanding after trying hard)


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Just want to share my understanding of the flags after desperately trying to understand how they work (as the manual does not explain fully). Hopefully this will help newbies like me :)

Pros, if any of the following is incorrect, please educate me! thank you


IVR Greeting/NightService order:

If no service flag is set, use the default (must use the *98xx first then overwrite with a .wav file, setting in the default welcome message has no effect)

If there is only one service flag is set, that one is announced

If more than one service flags are set, the first one listed in the IVR greeting page is announced

If Night Service fields are filled in, but no flag (in this field) is set, greeting is played by above rules.

If Night Service fields are filled in, and any one of the flag is set, there is NO greeting, forward to the corresponding Night Service Number directly

If Night Service fields are filled in, and more than one of the flags are set, there is NO greeting, forward to the Night Service Number corresponding to the first service flag in the SET state directly


The service flag listing in the IVR greeting page and the Night Service fields (intended for immediate escape) are TOTALLY INDEPENDENT!

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First of all, service flags are an independent concept regardless of auto attendant, hunt groups or agent groups. The point is that multiple accounts might be affected by an event ("office closes"), so it makes sense to define this event once and then reference it in multiple accounts.


Lets assume you are talking about the auto attendant and how to use the service flag.


So right, if there is no flag defined, then we just go ahead and always do what the AA does.


If there is one flag used, the AA will transfer the call to the provided destination when the service flag is "engaged" (what ever that means, typically "night mode").


What is a little bit confusing is the possibility to specify multiple service flags (seperated by spaces). Then the PBX will start with the first flag, if that fires it will redirect the call to the first redirection; then with the second and if that fires with the second redirection, and so on.


Here are some old links that also might help to understand the idea behind the service flags:





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