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Conf Patton 4552 with Snom One


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I'm a newbee with Patton 4552 ISDN Gateway.

I tried to configure a Patton 4552 (R5.3) but without success..

I tried an xls file (SN_VoipVoice_Configuration_Tool.xls provided by Patton) to make a configuration file but this is not the result I need.

I use this Gateway to connect an ISDN line (T0) to a SNOM ONE, I already have a modem/router on the network and I use the Snom One SIP Trunk for outgoing calls.(so I don't use WAN or ETH0/0 connector on the Gateway).

I need to redirect all the incoming calls to the Snom ONE.

I have another trunk "PATTON GW" on the Snom ONE (inbound & outbound) and I need the numbers beginning with '1' to go to that Gateway and the ISDN network.

I need also to connect an ISDN phone to Phone connector (BRI0/1) in case the SIP trunk or the Snom One is down..


Thank you for helping me!




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Hello, :)


It's better now ! I found myself how to get the calls from the isdn to redirect them to the snom one but I have 2 problems : the incomming call rings 1 time and is lost (if I take the phone before, the communication is OK..) and the number loose its first digit(0)..


any idea ? thank you for anyone !


here is the config file Patton 4552 (Hardware Version 2.1, Software Version R5.3)


# #

# SN4552/2BIS/EUI #

# R5.3 2009-09-14 SIP #

# 2011-07-18T19:31:24 #

# SN/00A0BA028A7F #

# Generated configuration file #

# #



cli version 3.20

dns-client server


webserver port 80 language en


sntp-client server primary europe.pool.ntp.org port 123 version 4




ic voice 0


profile ppp default


profile tone-set default


profile voip default

codec 1 g711alaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20

codec 2 g729 rx-length 20 tx-length 20

dtmf-relay rtp

fax transmission 1 relay t38-udp


profile pstn default


profile sip default


profile aaa default

method 1 local

method 2 none


context ip router


interface IF_LAN


tcp adjust-mss rx mtu

tcp adjust-mss tx mtu


context ip router

route 0


context cs switch


routing-table called-e164 RT_TO_NETWORK

route .T2 dest-service SER_HG_TO_NETWORK


routing-table called-e164 RT_TO_PBX

route default none

route [1-9].% dest-service SER_HG_TO_PBX


interface isdn IF_ISDN_00

route call dest-interface IF_SIP_VOIPVOICE


interface isdn IF_ISDN_01

route call dest-table RT_TO_NETWORK


interface sip IF_SIP_VOIPVOICE

bind context sip-gateway GW_SIP

route call dest-table RT_TO_PBX





service hunt-group SER_HG_TO_NETWORK

route call 1 dest-interface IF_SIP_VOIPVOICE

route call 2 dest-interface IF_ISDN_00


service hunt-group SER_HG_TO_PBX

route call 1 dest-interface IF_ISDN_01


context cs switch

no shutdown


location-service SER_LOC_VOIPVOICE

domain 1


context sip-gateway GW_SIP


interface IF_LAN

bind interface IF_LAN context router port 5062


context sip-gateway GW_SIP

bind location-service SER_LOC_VOIPVOICE

no shutdown


port ethernet 0 0

encapsulation ip

no shutdown


port ethernet 0 1

encapsulation ip

bind interface IF_LAN router

no shutdown


port bri 0 0

clock slave

encapsulation q921




uni-side user

encapsulation q931



protocol dss1

uni-side user

bchan-number-order ascending

encapsulation cc-isdn

bind interface IF_ISDN_00 switch


port bri 0 0

no shutdown


port bri 0 1

clock auto

encapsulation q921




protocol pp

uni-side net

encapsulation q931



protocol dss1

uni-side net

bchan-number-order ascending

encapsulation cc-isdn

bind interface IF_ISDN_01 switch


port bri 0 1

no shutdown



#---------------- END ---------------------------------

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Thank You Matt !


I finally mixed configuration files (comming from 3CX conf) and it works fine now !

here it is :


- Replace PATTON_IP and SNOM_ONE_IP..


- PATTON SIDE : no use of WAN and S0


- SNOM_ONE side : I put the option "RINGBACK : MESSAGE 180" in the trunks





# #

# SN4552/2BIS/EUI #

# R5.3 2009-09-14 SIP #

# 2011-07-20T12:11:45 #

# SN/00A0BA028A7F #

# Generated configuration file #

# #



cli version 3.20

clock local offset +02:00

webserver port 80 language en


sntp-client server primary port 123 version 4




ic voice 0


profile ppp default


profile call-progress-tone defaultDialtone

play 1 1000 440 0


profile call-progress-tone defaultAlertingtone

play 1 1500 440 -7

pause 2 3500


profile call-progress-tone defaultBusytone

play 1 500 440 -7

pause 2 500


profile tone-set default


profile voip default

codec 1 g711alaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20

codec 2 g711ulaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20

fax transmission 1 relay t38-udp


profile pstn default


profile sip default


profile aaa default

method 1 local

method 2 none


context ip router


interface IF_IP_WAN

ipaddress dhcp

tcp adjust-mss rx mtu

tcp adjust-mss tx mtu


interface IF_IP_LAN

ipaddress PATTON_IP

tcp adjust-mss rx mtu

tcp adjust-mss tx mtu


context cs switch

national-prefix 0


routing-table called-e164 RT_ISDN_TO_SIP_0

route T2 dest-interface IF_SIP_0 MAPPING_INCOMING_CALLS


mapping-table calling-pi to calling-e164 MAP_REMOVE_BLANK_CALLERID

map restricted to ""


mapping-table calling-e164 to calling-e164 MAP_LEADING_ZERO

map (.%)-(.%)-(.%)-(.%)-(.%) to \1\2\3\4\5

map (.%)-(.%)-(.%)-(.%) to \1\2\3\4

map (.%)-(.%)-(.%) to \1\2\3

map (.%)-(.%) to \1\2


mapping-table calling-e164 to calling-name MAP_CID_TO_CNAME

map (.%) to \1






interface isdn IF_ISDN_0

route call dest-table RT_ISDN_TO_SIP_0

call-hold disable




interface sip IF_SIP_0

bind context sip-gateway GW_SIP_0

route call dest-interface IF_ISDN_0

remote SNOM_ONE_IP



address-translation outgoing-call request-uri user-part fix 10001 host-part to-header target-param none


context cs switch

no shutdown


authentication-service AS_ALL_LINES

realm 1 3CXPhoneSystem

username 10001 password XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX== encrypted


location-service LS_10001

domain 1 SNOM_ONE_IP


identity-group default


authentication outbound

authenticate 1 authentication-service AS_ALL_LINES username 10001


identity 10001


authentication outbound

authenticate 1 authentication-service AS_ALL_LINES


registration outbound

registrar SNOM_ONE_IP 5062

lifetime 300

register auto


context sip-gateway GW_SIP_0


interface LAN

bind interface IF_IP_LAN context router port 5062


context sip-gateway GW_SIP_0

bind location-service LS_10001

no shutdown


port ethernet 0 0

encapsulation ip

bind interface IF_IP_WAN router

no shutdown


port ethernet 0 1

encapsulation ip

bind interface IF_IP_LAN router

no shutdown


port bri 0 0

clock auto

encapsulation q921



protocol pp

uni-side auto

encapsulation q931



protocol dss1

uni-side user

bchan-number-order ascending

encapsulation cc-isdn

bind interface IF_ISDN_0 switch


port bri 0 0

no shutdown


port bri 0 1

clock auto

encapsulation q921



uni-side auto

encapsulation q931



protocol dss1

uni-side net

bchan-number-order ascending


port bri 0 1




#-------------- END ------------------

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