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SnomOne soho

Steve B

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I just installed a brand new SOHO, this is our fourth SOHO install. I was really surprised that the whole operation of getting to the PBX has changed. Instead of the way the first three worked with the main IP of 192.1685.255.25, it is now a IPV6 address. This was not a big deal because the new instructions were in the package but it would have been nice if there was a product announcement on the forum of changes to a product that we are used to installing. Did I miss this announcement?


The other issue I had was that you can set the IP, Subnet and Gateway for the SOHO through the PBX login but you have to SSH into the command line to set the name servers. This is a huge inconvenience, especially if you are in the field with a laptop without a terminal program. I had the program and new what to do but what about the average user/IT person that can't figure out why the system won't register to sip.provider.com...


Other than that it worked like a charm. :)

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Thanks for the feedback.


First of all, IMHO it was a major glitch to hardcode an IPv4 address on a device which is not a DHCP server. Making the device a DHCP server by default was another major lapse or reason, considering that customers might have already one running in their network! IPv6 has its charm when it comes to IP addresses that correspondent to the MAC address, do don't have to always wonder what IPv4 address the DHCP server assigned to you.


Right, when you set the IP address up statically, you also need to specify the DNS server. I consider that a "mainstream" requirement...


On the previous version of the SoHo we had to run another web server to offer the configuration frontend. That was not just another HTTP port (inconvenience), but it also means that there was a lot of additional software that had to be installed, and maintained. Thinking about security and looking at the news every day, that can keep us busy with software updates for the various packages. Instead we embedded it into the snom ONE web server now, so that you dont have to switch between the interfaces. Everything is done in JavaScript, so all we need to do is add the DNS server fields, and provide a JavaScript change with the next release without the need to change the code in the PBX itself.


I believe it is an endless job to provide all possible options for DHCP client, server, IPv4, IPv6, LLDP, VLAN, VPN client, VPN server, RADIUS, routing, and so on through the web interface. Linux has it all, and it is well documented. They way to use it in Linux (debian) is to log in on a text terminal, and we will not change that. We just want to make the mainstream admin tasks automated.

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Thanks for the feedback.


First of all, IMHO it was a major glitch to hardcode an IPv4 address on a device which is not a DHCP server. Making the device a DHCP server by default was another major lapse or reason, considering that customers might have already one running in their network! IPv6 has its charm when it comes to IP addresses that correspondent to the MAC address, do don't have to always wonder what IPv4 address the DHCP server assigned to you.


Right, when you set the IP address up statically, you also need to specify the DNS server. I consider that a "mainstream" requirement...


On the previous version of the SoHo we had to run another web server to offer the configuration frontend. That was not just another HTTP port (inconvenience), but it also means that there was a lot of additional software that had to be installed, and maintained. Thinking about security and looking at the news every day, that can keep us busy with software updates for the various packages. Instead we embedded it into the snom ONE web server now, so that you dont have to switch between the interfaces. Everything is done in JavaScript, so all we need to do is add the DNS server fields, and provide a JavaScript change with the next release without the need to change the code in the PBX itself.


I believe it is an endless job to provide all possible options for DHCP client, server, IPv4, IPv6, LLDP, VLAN, VPN client, VPN server, RADIUS, routing, and so on through the web interface. Linux has it all, and it is well documented. They way to use it in Linux (debian) is to log in on a text terminal, and we will not change that. We just want to make the mainstream admin tasks automated.


Cool, the DNS server field will be nice to have. I agree there is no reason for all the other things you can do through command, if you had all that in html it would clutter the already awesome interface snomONE has. Now if you could just get the PAC or WAC working, my customers would be ecstatic! :P

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